Source:Stirling, Sarah Vowell Daingerfield. Virginia Plantagenet : Royal Descent of Sarah Vowell Daingerfield

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Source A Virginia Plantagenet : royal descent of Sarah Vowell Daingerfield
records and other matter dating from 741 to 1949
Author Stirling, Sarah Vowell Daingerfield
Surname Bathurst, Daingerfield, Warner
Publication information
Publisher S.V.D. Stirling
Date issued 1949
Place issued Alexandria, Va.?
Stirling, Sarah Vowell Daingerfield. A Virginia Plantagenet : royal descent of Sarah Vowell Daingerfield: records and other matter dating from 741 to 1949. (Alexandria, Va.?: S.V.D. Stirling, 1949).
Ancestry.com website

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