Source:Stickney, Charles E. History of the Minisink Region : Which Includes the Present Towns of Minisink, Deerpack, Mount Hope, Greenville and Wawayanda in

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Source A history of the Minisink Region
which includes the present towns of Minisink, Deerpack, Mount Hope, Greenville and Wawayanda in Orange County,New York from their organization and first settlement to the present time : also including a general history of the first settlement of the county
Author Stickney, Charles E
Place Orange, New York, United States
New York, United States
Minisink River Valley, New York, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Publisher C. Finch and I.F. Guiwits
Date issued 1867
Place issued Middletown, N.Y.
Stickney, Charles E. A history of the Minisink Region: which includes the present towns of Minisink, Deerpack, Mount Hope, Greenville and Wawayanda in Orange County,New York from their organization and first settlement to the present time : also including a general history of the first settlement of the county. (Middletown, N.Y.: C. Finch and I.F. Guiwits, 1867).
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