Source:Romeyn, Theodore B. Historical Discourse : On Occasion of the Re-Opening and Dedication of the First Reformed (Dutch) Church at Hackensack, N.J., May

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Source Historical discourse : on occasion of the re-opening and dedication of the First Reformed (Dutch) Church at Hackensack, N.J., May 2, 1869
Author Romeyn, Theodore B
Place Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Publisher Board of Publication, R.C.A.
Date issued 1870
Place issued New York
Romeyn, Theodore B. Historical discourse : on occasion of the re-opening and dedication of the First Reformed (Dutch) Church at Hackensack, N.J., May 2, 1869. (New York: Board of Publication, R.C.A., 1870).
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