Source:Ray, William Van Ness. Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar of Missouri, with an Appendix

Source Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Missouri, with an appendix
containing biographical sketches of nearly all of the judges and lawyers who have passed away, together with many interesting and valuable letters never before published of Washington, Jefferson, Burr, Granger, Clinton and others, some of which throw additional light upon the famous Burr conspiracy
Author Ray, William Van Ness
Place Missouri, United States
Subject Biography
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher F.H. Thomas
Date issued 1878
Place issued St. Louis, Missouri
Ray, William Van Ness. Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Missouri, with an appendix: containing biographical sketches of nearly all of the judges and lawyers who have passed away, together with many interesting and valuable letters never before published of Washington, Jefferson, Burr, Granger, Clinton and others, some of which throw additional light upon the famous Burr conspiracy. (St. Louis, Missouri: F.H. Thomas, 1878).
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  • 1033989 Item 9