Source:R.L. Polk and Co.'s Battle Creek City Directory, 1907

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Source R.L. Polk & Co.'s Battle Creek city directory, 1907
comprising an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens, a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits, a miscellaneous directory of the city officers, banks, churches, public and private schools, secret and benevolent societies, street and avenue guide, etc., etc
Place Battle Creek, Calhoun, Michigan, United States
Subject Directory records
Publication information
Publisher R.L. Polk & Co.
Date issued c1907
Place issued Detroit, Mich.
R.L. Polk & Co.'s Battle Creek city directory, 1907: comprising an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens, a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits, a miscellaneous directory of the city officers, banks, churches, public and private schools, secret and benevolent societies, street and avenue guide, etc., etc. (Detroit, Mich.: R.L. Polk & Co., c1907).
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