Source:Pond, Sarah Annis Winston. Collection of Family Records from Bartholomew, Botsford and Winston Lines of Genealogy

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Source A collection of family records from Bartholomew, Botsford and Winston lines of genealogy
as the compiler received her name from these families : the individuals were 1. Sarah Bartholomew, 2. Annis Botsford, 3. Alanson Winston
Author Pond, Sarah Annis Winston
Surname Bartholomew, Botsford, Winston
Publication information
Publisher Hartford Press, Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co.
Date issued 1899
Place issued Hartford, Conn.
Pond, Sarah Annis Winston. A collection of family records from Bartholomew, Botsford and Winston lines of genealogy: as the compiler received her name from these families : the individuals were 1. Sarah Bartholomew, 2. Annis Botsford, 3. Alanson Winston. (Hartford, Conn.: Hartford Press, Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., 1899).
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