Source:Mullican, N. Spencer. Mullikins and Mullicans of North Carolina

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Source Mullikins and Mullicans of North Carolina
a history of Lewis Mullikin and his descendants covering the period since his arrival in Rowan County, North Carolina, in 1781 from the western shore of Maryland
Author Mullican, N. Spencer
Surname Mullican, Mulliken, Mullikin
Publication information
Publisher N.S. Mullican
Date issued 1985
Place issued Winston-Salem, N.C.
Mullican, N. Spencer. Mullikins and Mullicans of North Carolina: a history of Lewis Mullikin and his descendants covering the period since his arrival in Rowan County, North Carolina, in 1781 from the western shore of Maryland. (Winston-Salem, N.C.: N.S. Mullican, 1985).
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