Source:Latimer, John. Local Records, or, Historical Register of Remarkable Events, Which Have Occurred in Northumberland and Durham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and

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Source Local records, or, Historical register of remarkable events, which have occurred in Northumberland & Durham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Berwick-upon-Tweed
with biographical notices of deceased persons of talent, influence, &c., in the district : 1832-1857 : being a continuation of the work, under the same title, published by the late Mr. Sykes
Author Latimer, John
Place Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, England
Berwick upon Tweed, Northumberland, England
Durham, England
Northumberland, England
Publication information
Publisher Chronicle Office
Date issued 1857
Place issued Newcastle
Latimer, John. Local records, or, Historical register of remarkable events, which have occurred in Northumberland & Durham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Berwick-upon-Tweed: with biographical notices of deceased persons of talent, influence, &c., in the district : 1832-1857 : being a continuation of the work, under the same title, published by the late Mr. Sykes. (Newcastle: Chronicle Office, 1857).
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