Source:Honeyman, A. Van Doren. Joannes Nevius, Schepen and Third Secretary of New Amsterdam under the Dutch, First Secretary of New York City under the

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Source Joannes Nevius, Schepen and third secretary of New Amsterdam under the Dutch, first secretary of New York City under the English and his descendants, A.D. 1627-1900, embracing existing families bearing the surnames of Nevius, Nevyus, Neafie, Neafus, Neefus, Nafis, Nafie, Nafey, Naphey, Napheys and Naphis
Author Honeyman, A. Van Doren
Surname Nafey, Nafie, Nafis, Naphey, Napheys, Naphis, Neafie, Neafus, Nevius, Nevyus
Publication information
Publisher Honeyman
Date issued 1900
Place issued Plainfield, N.J.
Honeyman, A. Van Doren. Joannes Nevius, Schepen and third secretary of New Amsterdam under the Dutch, first secretary of New York City under the English and his descendants, A.D. 1627-1900, embracing existing families bearing the surnames of Nevius, Nevyus, Neafie, Neafus, Neefus, Nafis, Nafie, Nafey, Naphey, Napheys and Naphis. (Plainfield, N.J.: Honeyman, 1900).
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