Source:Hawes, Frank Mortimer. Foster Record : An Account of Thomas Foster of Billerica, Massachusetts and Some of His Descendants with Appendices Relating to

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Source Foster record : an account of Thomas Foster of Billerica, Massachusetts and some of his descendants with appendices relating to intermarriages Chillingsworth, Freeman, Winslow, Lewis, King
Author Hawes, Frank Mortimer
Surname Chillingsworth, Foster
Publication information
Publisher Fred E. Bradford
Date issued 1889
Place issued Somerville, Mass.
Hawes, Frank Mortimer. Foster record : an account of Thomas Foster of Billerica, Massachusetts and some of his descendants with appendices relating to intermarriages Chillingsworth, Freeman, Winslow, Lewis, King. (Somerville, Mass.: Fred E. Bradford, 1889).
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