Source:Hastings, John K. Anti-Slavery Landmarks in Boston

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Source Anti-slavery landmarks in Boston
scores of places identified with the great struggle for the freedom of the black men are passed daily without a thought of the stirring scenes that were witnessed there, where Garrison published the Liberator, refuges for fugitives, some famous cases of kidnapping, birthplaces of popular war songs
Author Hastings, John K
Place United States
Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Massachusetts, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Publisher unknown
Date issued 1897
Place issued Anti-slavery landmarks in Boston. Boston
Hastings, John K. Anti-slavery landmarks in Boston: scores of places identified with the great struggle for the freedom of the black men are passed daily without a thought of the stirring scenes that were witnessed there, where Garrison published the Liberator, refuges for fugitives, some famous cases of kidnapping, birthplaces of popular war songs. (Anti-slavery landmarks in Boston. Boston: unknown, 1897).
Ancestry.com website

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