Source:Farmer, John. Historical Sketch of Amherst, in the County of Hillsborough, in New-Hampshire : From Its First Settlement to the Year MDCCCXXXVII

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Source Historical sketch of Amherst, in the county of Hillsborough, in New-Hampshire
from its first settlement to the year MDCCCXXXVII
Author Farmer, John
Place Amherst, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Printed by A. M'Farland
Date issued 1837
Place issued Concord N.H.
Farmer, John. Historical sketch of Amherst, in the county of Hillsborough, in New-Hampshire: from its first settlement to the year MDCCCXXXVII. (Concord N.H.: Printed by A. M'Farland, 1837).
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