Source |
Espenschied and related families of Evansville and Mt. Vernon, Indiana |
other surnames, Glass, Graüert, Karsch, Klein, Miller, Schlange, Topf : other locations, Rhineland, Germany, New York, Riverside, N.J |
Author |
Espenschied, Lloyd |
Surname |
Espenschied, Klein, Miller |
Publication information
Publisher |
unknown |
Date issued |
1945 |
Place issued |
New York |
Espenschied, Lloyd. Espenschied and related families of Evansville and Mt. Vernon, Indiana: other surnames, Glass, Graüert, Karsch, Klein, Miller, Schlange, Topf : other locations, Rhineland, Germany, New York, Riverside, N.J. (New York: unknown, 1945). |
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