Source:Duyckinck, Whitehead Cornell. Duyckinck and Allied Families

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Source The Duyckinck and allied families
being a record of the descendants of Evert Duyckinck : who settled in New Amsterdam, now New York, in 1638
Author Duyckinck, Whitehead Cornell
Surname Duicking, Duiken, Duyckens, Duyckinck, Duycking, Duyckingh
Publication information
Publisher T.A. Wright
Date issued 1908
Place issued New York
Duyckinck, Whitehead Cornell. The Duyckinck and allied families: being a record of the descendants of Evert Duyckinck : who settled in New Amsterdam, now New York, in 1638. (New York: T.A. Wright, 1908).
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