Source:Davidson, Alexander. Complete History of Illinois from 1673 to 1884 : Embracing the Physical Features of the Country, Its Early Explorations,

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Source A complete history of Illinois from 1673 to 1884
embracing the physical features of the country, its early explorations, aboriginal inhabitants, French and British occupation, conquest by Virginia, territorial condition, and subsequent civil, military and political events of the state
Author Davidson, Alexander
Place Illinois, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Publisher H.W. Rokker
Date issued 1884
Place issued Springfield, Ill.
Davidson, Alexander. A complete history of Illinois from 1673 to 1884: embracing the physical features of the country, its early explorations, aboriginal inhabitants, French and British occupation, conquest by Virginia, territorial condition, and subsequent civil, military and political events of the state. (Springfield, Ill.: H.W. Rokker, 1884).
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