Source:Cole, David. Isaac Kool, Cool or Cole, and Catharin Serven

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Source Isaac Kool, Cool or Cole, and Catharin Serven
married Oct. 15, 1764, at Tappan, Rockland, then part of Orange Co, N.Y. their descendants complete to May 1, 1876, also their American ancestors from the settlement of New York City
Author Cole, David
Place Rockland, New York, United States
Surname Cole, Cool, Kool, Serven
Publication information
Publisher John Trow
Date issued 1876
Place issued New York
Cole, David. Isaac Kool, Cool or Cole, and Catharin Serven: married Oct. 15, 1764, at Tappan, Rockland, then part of Orange Co, N.Y. their descendants complete to May 1, 1876, also their American ancestors from the settlement of New York City. (New York: John Trow, 1876).
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