Source:Clark, Thomas M. Historical Discourse Delivered in St. John's Church, Providence, R.I

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Source An historical discourse delivered in St. John's Church, Providence, R.I.
on St. Barnabas's Day, June, 11, 1872, in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the parish
Author Clark, Thomas M
Place Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Subject Church records
Publication information
Publisher The Church Press :  M.H. Mallory & Co.
Date issued 1988
Place issued Hartford, Conn.
Clark, Thomas M. An historical discourse delivered in St. John's Church, Providence, R.I: on St. Barnabas's Day, June, 11, 1872, in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the parish. (Hartford, Conn.: The Church Press :  M.H. Mallory & Co., 1988).
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