Source:Carr, Arthur A. Carr Book : Sketches of the Lives of Many of the Descendants of Robert and Caleb Carr, Whose Arrival on This Continent in 1635 Began

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Source The Carr book : sketches of the lives of many of the descendants of Robert and Caleb Carr, whose arrival on this continent in 1635 began the American story of our family
Author Carr, Arthur A
Surname Carr
Publication information
Publisher A.A. Carr
Date issued 1947
Place issued Ticonderoga, N.Y.
Carr, Arthur A. The Carr book : sketches of the lives of many of the descendants of Robert and Caleb Carr, whose arrival on this continent in 1635 began the American story of our family. (Ticonderoga, N.Y.: A.A. Carr, 1947).
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