Publication information
Type |
Government / Church records |
Asse, Brabant, Belgium. Burgerlijke Stand. |
Usage Tips
May be ordered through the nearest Family History Center.
FHL film numbers
- 696838
- 696839
- 696840
- 696841
- 696842
- 696843
- 696844
- 696845
- 696846
- 696847
- 696848
- 696849
- 696850
- 696851
- 696852
- 696853
- 696854
- 696855
- 696856
- 696857
- 696858
- 696859
- 696860
- 696863
- 696864
- 696865
- 696866
- 696867
- 696868
- 696869
- 696870
- 696871
- 696872
- 735973
- 1546898 Items 5-12
- 1546899
- 1546900 Items 1-6
- 1692363 Items 2 - 5
- 1692364
- 1692365 Items 1 - 7
- 1761382 Item 3
- 1761383
- 1761384
- 1761385
- 1761589
- 1761590
- 1761591
- 1761666
- 1761667
- 1761668
- 1761688
- 2361037 Items 4 - 10
- 2361038
- 2361039