Source:Abbott, John Howard. Courtright (Kortright) Family : Descendants of Bastian Van Kortryk, a Native of Belgium Who Emigrated to Holland About 1615

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Source The Courtright (Kortright) family
descendants of Bastian Van Kortryk, a native of Belgium who emigrated to Holland about 1615
Author Abbott, John Howard
Surname Cartright, Cortright, Courtright, Curtright, Kortregh, Kortregt, Kortright, Van Kortryk
Publication information
Publisher T.A. Wright
Date issued 1985
Place issued New York
Abbott, John Howard. The Courtright (Kortright) family: descendants of Bastian Van Kortryk, a native of Belgium who emigrated to Holland about 1615. (New York: T.A. Wright, 1985).
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