Place:Trøgstad, Østfold, Norway

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Located inØstfold, Norway
Contained Places
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Trøgstad is a municipality in Østfold county, Norway. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Skjønhaug. The municipality is divided into the parishes of Skjønhaug, Havnås and Båstad. The parish of Trygstad was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt).

The scene of the crime for the World War II-era Feldmann case is at Skrikerudtjernet in Trøgstad.

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This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Trøgstad. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.