Person:Valdemar III of Denmark (1)

Valdemar III _____, of Denmark
  1. Valdemar III _____, of Denmark1314 - 1364
  2. Helvig of Schleswig - 1374
Facts and Events
Name Valdemar III _____, of Denmark
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1314 House of Estridsen
Marriage to Richardis of Schwerin, Duchess of Schleswig
Death[1] 1364
Reference Number? Q381082?

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Valdemar III (1314–1364) was King of Denmark from 1326 to 1329, while he was underage; he was also Duke of Schleswig as Valdemar V in 1325–26 and from 1330 to 1364. He was a rival king set up against the unsuccessful Christopher II and was widely opposed by his subjects. His term was ended when he abdicated. Sometimes the earlier King Valdemar the Young (c. 1209–1231) is also referred to as Valdemar III.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Valdemar III of Denmark, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.