Person:Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg (1)

Ulrich _____, Duke of Württemberg
b.8 Feb 1487 Reichenweier
d.6 Nov 1550 Tubingen
  1. Ulrich _____, Duke of Württemberg1487 - 1550
m. 2 Mar 1511
  1. Anna von Württemberg1513 - 1530
  2. Christoph _____, Duke of Württemberg1515 - 1568
Facts and Events
Name Ulrich _____, Duke of Württemberg
Alt Name Ulrich van Wurtemberg
Gender Male
Birth[1] 8 Feb 1487 Reichenweier
Marriage 2 Mar 1511 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germanyto Sabina of Bavaria
Death[1] 6 Nov 1550 Tubingen
Reference Number? Q61671?

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Duke Ulrich of Württemberg (8 February 14876 November 1550) succeeded his kinsman Eberhard II as Duke of Württemberg in 1498. He was declared of age in 1503. His volatile personality made him infamous, being called the "Swabian Henry VIII" by historians.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.