Person:Thomas Gascoyne (1)

Thomas Gascoyne
m. Bef 1626
  1. Thomas GaskinsAbt 1626 - Bef 1675/76
  2. Alice Gascoyne1630 - 1702
  3. Josias Gaskins1635 - Bef 1703
Facts and Events
Name Thomas Gascoyne
Alt Name Thomas Gaskins
Gender Male
Birth[1] Abt 16 May 1601 Aberford, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Bef 1626 to Elizabeth Gambling
Death[1] Bef 20 Nov 1665 Hewletts Point, Northumberland County, Virginia

Land Records

Land Grant. Thomas Gaskins received a Grant of 300 acres on the 9th of September, 1636, for the transportation of Thomas Gaskins, Elizabeth Gaskins, Josiah Gaskins, Mary Gaskins, Alice Gaskins, and Josiah Gambling, as for his own "adventure". [Source: "Lee of Virginia, 1642-1892: Biographical and Genealogical Sketches of the Descendants of Richard Lee", by Edmund Jennings Lee, pg. 208].

Patent. Thomas Gascoyne. 15 Sept. 1649. 250 acres in Great Wiccocomoco River, being a neck lf land bounded on the N by a branch parting it from the land of John Dennis and on S by land of Peter Knight. 17.80. [Source: "Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume 1", by Beverley Fleet, pg. 532].

Deed. From Thomas Gaskins to his cousin, Elizabeth, daughter of John Gambling. [Source: "Lee of Virginia, 1642-1892: Biographical and Genealogical Sketches of the Descendants of Richard Lee", by Edmund Jennings Lee, pg. 209].

Indenture. 16 Jan. 1710/11. Josias Gaskins of one part and Tho Gaskins of the other. Whereas Tho. Gaskins dec'd by will d (dated) 20 June 1663 gave his son Josias Gaskins, the father of said Josias Gaskins party to these presents, the Plantation whereon the testator lived, being 250 acres granted 15 Sept. 1649, now Josias the devisee being dead, and Thomas party to these presents conceiving by the words of the said devisee the he, the devisee, had but and Estate for life in sd land, which terminated at his death and reverted to Tho Gaskins party to these presents, the son of Tho Gaskins Elder Brother of Josias Gaskins the said devisee and Eldest Son of the said devisor, brought a Writ of Ejectment in Gen'l Court to oust the said Josias party to these presents who was in possession of the land. But in friendly settlement, Thomas dropped the suit, and there was an agreement betw them to pass deeds to each other, which they ack in Northumberland Court 21 Dec. 1709. But the records being burned, Josias Gaskins conveys to Thos the 250 acres, and Thos conveys to Josias 100 acres part of the 250 acres. The indenture is signed by Josias Gaskins.
Wit by Sammuell x Cammell, Thomas x Shears, Thomas x Laurencett.
It was acknowledged by Josias Gaskins and Elizabeth his wife on 16 May 1711.
These entries Vol. 16, pg. 80 plus.
[Source: "Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume 1", by Beverley Fleet, pg. 532].

14th January 1710/11. Deed. Thomas to Josias Gascoyne, 100 acres, part of 250 acres. Ref. to the land, 250 acres being patented 15 Sept 1649 by Thos Gaskins grandfather to said parties, who by will devised the land to his son Josias, father of said Josias party to this. The 100 acres adjoins the land of Dameron, Harris, Bledsoe and Nickless (Nicholas). Acknowledged by Tho Gaskins and Martha his wife 16 May 1711.
17. pp. 80-87.
[Source: "Virginia Colonial Abstracts, Volume 1", by Beverley Fleet, pg. 532].

Will of Thomas Gascoyne

Thomas Gascoyne, dated the 20th of June 1663; probated on 9th of November 1665; legatees: Josias, John and Henry Gascoyne; will signed "Thomas Gaskin".
[Source: "Lee of Virginia, 1642-1892: Biographical and Genealogical Sketches of the Descendants of Colonel Richard Lee", by Edmund Jennings Lee, pg. 208-209].
  1. 1.0 1.1 Dorman, John Frederick. Adventurers of purse and person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, c2004, 4th edition).

    Thomas Gaskins, apparently the "Thomas, sonne of Henry Gascoigne", who was baptized 16 May 1601 at Aberford, Yorkshire, came to Virginia in the Bona Nova in 1619. As "Thomas Gasko" he was living at Flowerdiew Hundred, 16 Feb. 1623/24 but had moved to the Eastern Shore by 7 Feb. 1624/5 when the muster lists him there as "Thomas Gaskoyne", age 24.
    Note: additional information contained in this source.