Person:John Tuppyn (1)

John Tuppyn
Facts and Events
Name John Tuppyn
Gender Male
Marriage to Isabel _____
Will[2] 14 Aug 1583
Residence[1][4] Brighton, Sussex, England
Death[2] 1583
Probate[2] 16 Oct 1583

John Tuppyn was involved in a property transaction involving Wapsbourne Manor in 1557.S3

  1. Notes on the Scrase Family of Co. Sussex, in The Geneaologist
    Volume XX, pages 217-221, 1904.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Will of John Tuppe or Tuppen, Yeoman of Brighton, Sussex, in Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Prerogative Court. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Probate Records, 1384-1858
    PROB 11/66/41.

    A transcription:

    In the name of god amen, The fouretenthe daie of Auguste (One thousand fyve hundred eightie three. Anno Regine Elizabethe vicesimo quinto. I John Tuppe of Brighthelmeston in the countie of Sussex yeoman sick in body (But thanked be god) perfecte of memorie, doe ordeine and make this my last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge, First I bequeath my soule unto allmightie god my Creator, belevinge that by and through the meritts of Jesus Christ my savioure he will receive into his glorious kingdome And my bodye to the earthe to be buried in the Church yard of Brighthelmeston aforesaide I give unto the poore people of the parrishe of Meechinge Fyve shillinges. Item I give to the poore people of the Parishe of Rottingdene three shillinges foure pence. Item to the poore people of the parrishe of Cheileighe three shillinges foure pence. Item to the poore of the said parrishe of of Brightholmeston Tenne shillinges, to be paid and distributed unto them at the Feast of the circumcission of oure Lorde nexte after my deceease. Item I give and bequeath to Alice Taile my Servaunt Twentie shillinges of lawfull money of England, to be paide to her at three paymentes within three yeares nexte after my decease by even portions. Item I give and bequeath to John Hardinge my godsonne a hooke nett. Item to Joane Gillam three corke hookes the which I will to be delyered at the Feast of the circumcission of oure Lorde nexte after my deceasse. Itm to Agnes William Lyonns wiffe the younger at the saide Feast daie one hoak nett . Item to Constance the wife of Thomas Kinge at the same Feast daie one hooke nett. Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my wife two featherbeds viz the best and seconde, fowr boulsters the best blankett and twoe newe coverletts, two pillowes, fyve paire of sheetes, fower sathan pillow coats, the bason and the ewer, the best brasse potte, one kettell of a pecke, one posnett, an iron kettle, sixe pewter platters, two pewter candlesticks. Item I give and bequeath unto the saide Isabell my wiffe towardes the bringinge upp of Constance my daughter fyve poundes of lawfull money of England yerelye out of the Rents of my Farme duringe the tyme to come unexpired of the Lease yf she lyve so longe, and keepe her self a widowe. Item I will and my mynde is, that the saide Izabell my wiffe shall have the manage of my said daughter Constance and the Rents and proffitts of all suche possessions as I have given the saide childe in Brighthelmeston untill she comme to the age of eighteen yeares, or be married whiche firste shall happen to comme (yf my saide wiffe doe so longe lyve and keepe herself widowe) But yf she marrye againe, then my mynde and will is that my Overseers shall take from her my saide childe, and my saide wife to have noe longer the saide rents nor profitts nor the said fyve poundes, But my Overseers to take it from the meforthe? untill my saide childe shall comme to age or to her marriage, as is aforesaide, and theye to see her well broughte upp and to ymploye the premisses to proffitte for her use, and at her saide tyme of age or marriage whiche firste shall happen, to be accomptable to her for the same. Item I gyve and bequeathe unto my two Overseers tenn shillinges of lawfull money of England a peece. The Residue of all my goods moveable and unmoveable chattells and debtes, wheare or whatsoever theie be or maie be founde I give theme unto Robert Baker the sonne of late Robert Baker and Tuppen Scrace the Sonne of Richard Scrace … … the said Roberte Baker & Tuppen Scrace equallie to be devided. And I make and ordaine the saide Robert Baker and Tuppen Scrace my Executors. And willl that William Gillam of Brighthelmeston fysherman shalbe Administrator and governor of the saide Roberte Baker, untill he shall comme to the age of one and twentie years. And then to make accompte unto him accordinge to the Lawes of this Realme, in the presence of my other overseer or his Assignes, And I will in lyke manner the said Rycharde Scrace to be Administrator and Governoure of the saide Tuppen his sonne and to yelde him accompte at his lyke lawfull age, in suche sorte as is aforesaide. Item I make and ordeyne the saide William Gillam and Richard Scrace Administrators as is aforesaide, And overseers of this my present testament and towardes theire paines I have willed them as is before, to be stayinge and assistinge my saide executors in provinge and accomplishinge this my mynde accordinglie, as my trust is to them that theie will to the quietnes of my frends, and glorie of god, to whom be give all Laude and praise now and ever Amen. Item this is my will and mynd concerninge my Landes. First I will and give unto Julian my daughter the wiffe of Ric: Scrace, after the decease of William Andrewes, all my freehoulde Landes and Tenements withe all and singuler thappurtenances situate lyinge and beinge in Meechinge, & Brighthelmeston (excepte the one half yarde of Lande in Brighthelmeston) in the houlding of Maister Michell [space] And after the deceasse of my saide Daughter Julian I will bequeath and give all the said Landes, Tenements, and thappurtenances (excepte before excepted) unto Tuppen Scrase and his heires forever. Item I will and give unto Constance Tuppen my daughter and Robert Baker my Nephewe, all my Landes Tenementes and appurtenances called Wapshawe, To have and to hould the same ymmediatelie after the decease of William Andrewe unto the saide Robert Baker and Constance viz to the saide Constance Twoe partes, and to the saide Robert Baker one parte to them and theire heyres for ever accordinge to the custom, And my mynde and will is that Richard Scrace and Julian my Daughter shall yelde and gyve upp unto the saide Robert and Constance to the use of them and theire heires as is aforesaid All suche righte, title, interest, state, and demande, as theye the said Richard and Julian theire heires or annye of theme have or ought to have in the said Landes, Tenements and appurtenances bysamye(?) deede or conveyaunce thereof heretofore made, And thus have I fynished my mynde and will concerninge my goods and Lands. In wittnes whereof I have putt my Signe in the presence of these wittnesses hereafter mentioned Witnesse Richard Stonans, John Duddinge, William Cartwright, wryten hereof

    [proved 16 October 1583 by Richard Scrace]

  3.   Sussex Manors, Advowson, Etc. Recorded in the Feet of Fines Henry VIII to William IV, in Sussex Record Society
    Vol. XX page. 465, 1914.

    John Tuppyn, plaintiff", and John Woodland and Agnes his wife,
    deforciants Fifth part of manor of WARPYSBORNE and tenements in
    Cheyly, Warpysborne, Lynfeld and Flecchyng, quitclaimed to plaintiff
    and heirs (Mich., 1 & 2 Eliz. [1559])

  4. Hughes-Clarke, Arthur William, and Edward Bysshe. The visitation of Sussex, anno domini 1662, made by Sir Edward Bysshe. (London: [Harleian Society], 1937)
    p. 96.