Person:Charles Adams (45)

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  • F.  William Adams (add)
  • M.  Casandra Hill (add)
  1. Charles Hitchcock Adams1868 - 1951
  • HCharles Hitchcock Adams1868 - 1951
  • W.  Olive Bray (add)
  1. Ansel Adams1902 - 1984
Facts and Events
Name[1] Charles Hitchcock Adams
Gender Male
Birth[1] 25 May 1868 Belmont, San Mateo, California, United States
Marriage to Olive Bray (add)
Occupation[1] From 1917 to 1940 executive secretary of the Merchants' Exchange Association
Retirement[1] Jan 1950 retirement (as a consequence of age and failing health) from position held since 1925 as secretary-treasurer of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Death[1][2] 8 Aug 1951 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United Statesdied at home
Burial[1] 10 Aug 1951
Physical Description[3]
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 In Memoriam, Charles Hitchock Adams, in The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
    December 1951.

    Source noted is an archive. Original publication: Aitken, R. G. (1951) "In Memoriam, Charles Hitchock Adams, 1868-1951". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 63, No. 375, p.283.

  2. Adams' wife died an invalid in 1950.
  3. Photograph of Adams by his son, Ansel Adams; link archived 25 Sep 2013.