Morris Family History of Bertie Co., NC

Article Covers
Morris, Early, Symons, Page, Shattuck, White, Pierce, Davis, Mott, Yancey, Yancey, McGinnis, Estill
Perquimans, NC, Pasquotank, NC, Bertie, NC, Rutherford, NC, Union, SC, Jackson Co., GA, Gwinnett Co., GA, Bertie Co., NC, Union Co., SC, Hartin Co., TN, Jackson County, GA, Gwinnett County, GA
Year range
1600 - 1890


Morris, John Page, Demaris 24 Apr 1676 NC Pasquotank(verified w/ will of Isaac Page’s dated 30 Jun 1680)

Morris, John Symons, Mary 4 Sep 1703 NC Pasquotank (verified w/ Pasquotank Co., NC marriages)

Morris, John Early, Rebecca ca. 1723 NC Pasquotank (verified w/ will of John Morris, Bertie co NC in 1759)

Morris, John Pierce, Sarah 1 May 1745 NC Perquimans (verified w/ Perquimans Court Records January Court, 1754)

Morris, John Davis, Rachel Aug 1783 NC Rutherford (verified w/ RW pension)

Morris, Micajah Moore, Sally 2 Feb 1790 NC Rutherford (Verified w/ Rutherford Co., NC wills)

Morris, Frances D. Estill, William L 8 Oct 1868 TN Hardin, Savannah (verified w/ Hardin Co., TN)



JOHN MORRIS I (ca 1600 London, England-) arrived on the Bona Nova in 1619, was age 24 on the 1624 Elizabeth Cittie muster. His wife was Mary Morris (b. 1601) who arrived on the George and was listed next to him on the same muster, they would have married ca. 1624. It appears they had at least one surviving child, a son named Charles born ca. 1630. This Morris family intermarried with a group of Quakers who traveled to Pasquotank and later formed a Quaker church. Among those from Elizabeth Cittie was Henry White, Sr. (ca 1600 England-14 Nov 1669/16 May 1670 Pasquotank Co., NC) m. ca, 1625 to Rebecca Arnold (ca. 1609-1654). Henry owned land in James Cittie County before 16 June 1642 when John Smith bought 670 acres near the Upper Chippokes. 1648 - Henry White and Robert Wilson were on a list of persons transported into Surry Co., VA. 1695 - Robert Wilson and Henry White attended a meeting of Friends (Quaker) in Perquimans Co., NC. Capt. Raleigh Croshaw arrived in Jamestown in Sep 1608 as a part of the 2nd Supply. In 1609 he’s described as a member of the London Co. and is listed in 1618 and 1620 as an adventurer in the VA Co. Capt. Raleigh Croshaw was elected to the House of Burgess for Elizabeth Cittie. He had 3 sons, Joseph, b. ca. 1612 England, Noah, and Richard, b. ca.1622 in VA. Raleigh Croshaw's wife and servant arrived in VA in 1619 on the Bona Nova. His daughter Mary m. Henry White, Ursula m. John West and Rachel m. Ralph Graves and Richard Barnes.

MUSTER ROLLS OF SETTLERS IN VIRGINIA. Elizabeth Cittie List of the Living in 1624. Capt. William Tucker, his MUSTER. Capt. William Tucker, aged 36, in the Mary and James, 1610. Mrs. Mary Tucker, aged 26, in the George, 1623. Elizabeth Tucker, born in Virginia in August. George Tomson, aged 17 Paule Tomson, aged 14 >-in the George, 1623. William Tomson, — 11 ) Pasco Champion, aged 23 ^ ^ y m the Ellenor, 1621 Strenght Sheere, aged 23 Thomas Evans, aged 23 Stephen Collowe, aged 23 tin the George, 1623. Robert Munday, aged 18 Mahewe Robinson, aged 24, in the greai kopewell, 1623. Richard Appleton, aged 19, in the James, 1622. John Morris, aged 24, in the Bona Nova, 1619. Mary Morris, aged 22, in the George, 1623. William Hutchinson, aged 21, in the Diana, 1618. Peeter Porter, aged 20, in the Tyger, 1621. William Crawshaw, an Indian Baptised. Anthony, negro; Isabell, a negro, and William her child, baptized. A deed for Wm Gapinge on 22 Aug 1643 from Sunken Marsh adj. Upper Chippokes. W.N.E. towards Henry Neale and Henry White. Henry bought 200 acres in James City Co. 4 July 1649, at blackwater. On 9 Jun 1655 John Ivy sold 200a of land to Richard Tias and Henry White. 30 Oct 1688. (Perquimans) John Hodgson, assigns right to land unto Robert Smith. Test: Henry White. 18 Apr 1689. (Perquimans) Robert Smith assigns right to within mentioned bill of Sale to Wm. Bartlett. Robert and Ann Smith. Test: Henry White. Samuel Pricklove, Reg of Writings for Perquimans Precinct. At the 3rd Court held in Perquimans Precinct, Maj. Alexander Lillington, Mr. Henry White a Quaker from Surry Co., VA, purchased land from John Troy of Surry, 9 Jun 1655, Mr. Thomas Lepper, Mr. John Barrow, Justices present.

The children of Henry White, Sr. were: 1. Henry White, Jr. (ca 1634-8 Mar 1712 Pasquotank Co., NC) m. Mary (ca.1635-3 Mar 1679 Perquimans Co., NC) ca. 1655, likely dau. of Robert West, and 2nd Damaris Page Morris (widow of John Morris III) on 10 Sep 1681 dau. of Isaac Page; and Damaris Shattuck (ca 1659-12 Nov 1722 Pasquotank Co., NC). 2. Damaris b. Feb 1684/5, d.1719/20 m. 8 6mo 1700, John Symons, son of Thomas Symons and Rebecca White. Damaris' half brother, John Morris IV, married John Symons’ sister Mary. The 1680 will was witnessed by his daughters “Demaris Moris” and Elizabeth Page. Henry White, Ist, of James City County, Virginia, planter, was, as has been previously stated, probably the brother of James and John White. His name first appears July 4, 1649, when he received a grant of 200 acres of land lying in Black Water, upon the eastern most branch, poynting up to Upper Chipoakes, in the County of James Cittie, bounded east upon the sd swamp, north upon the Land of Francis England south towards the land of Peter Wall,and west into the woods. September 25, 1663, when styled Senior, the grant to his son, who was styled Junior, which is afterwards referred to, bearing the same date and being recorded on the same page, he obtained a patent for 200 acres on the south side of the Carolina River. In February (12th mo., 0. S.) of that year he, together with Peter Gill,obtained a grant of 1000 acres in Charles City County, and May 9, 1666, one for himself alone of 1800 acres in Accomac County.

Child of John Morris:

1. Charles Morris



Charles Morris was b. ca. 1630, he attended a Quaker meeting at Arnold White's house 24 4 mo 1679. He had a wife Hannah and died in Pasquotank County, North Carolina in 1679. "Little River Quaker Register gives most valuable information on this family." John Morris and Charles are mentioned in the monthly meeting at Little River Quaker Church in Pasquotank Co., NC. Charles Morris is the first name to appear on the records of Perquimans Co., NC when he attended a Monthly Meeting at Arnold White's house on 24 4 mo 1679.

Child of Charles Morris and Hannah _____:

1. John Morris I


JOHN MORRIS I AND DAMARIS PAGE [Morris, John = Page, Demaris 24 Apr 1676 NC Pasquotank]

JOHN MORRIS I, was b. 3 Mar 1652 in Perquimans County, NC, he d. 30 Jun 1680 in Perquimans County, NC. He married Damaris, daughter of Isaac Page (ca 1620-7/4/1680) and Damaris Shattuck, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, by Clarence Almon Torrey says, p. 550, states “Isack” Page m. Damaris Shattuck 30 Sept 1653 in Boston, MA. They were married by William Hibbins. Isaac Page was b. ca. 1620 and died 4 Jul 1680 in Pasquotank Co., NC. Isaac "died at a good old age" according to Quaker minutes, his tombstone reads: "Bearing a faithful testimony for the truth till his death". Isaac Page’s will dated 30 Jun 1680, mentions, daughters Elizabeth Shattuck and Damaris Moris and her children, the executors were Charles Prous and Henry White. Wit: Dorothy Prouse, Demaris Moris and Elizabeth Page. After John's death Damaris married Henry White, Jr. on 10 Jul 1681, Henry died 3 Jun 1712 and Damaris died 12 Sep 1722. A group of Quakers left Salem, MA in 1659 and settled in Pasquotank Co., NC. Strong believers in the importance of education, Quakers apparently sponsored the first school in the colony, which was begun in 1705 adjacent to the Pasquotank (later Symons Creek) Monthly Meeting house. The first religious service on record in NC was a Quaker meeting held in 1672 by William Edmundson in what is now Hertford, approximately 12 miles from Up River. Later that year, Edmundson was joined by George Fox to hold additional meetings among the settlers of the Albemarle area. Soon the Society of Friends became the dominant religious group in the colony. However, because of their concern over slavery, many Friends migrated to Free states. Many accounts regarding the early Morris settlers in NC refer to him being a signer of the Remonstrance from the Quakers in Carolina to the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, a document dated 13 Sept 1679. The significance of this is that the 21 signers of the petition were very early settlers in the area since, in a footnote to the document, the scribe wrote “most of us whose names are hereunto subscribed have been Inhabitants in Carolina since the yeares 1663 and 1664.” The Petition of the Inhabitants of Albemarle County to the King, dated 30 June 1680, was signed by a number “of ye Inhabitants of Albemarle County in Carolina,” one of which was “John Morris.” John’s name also showed up in the records of the General Court for the County of Albemarle, when on 20 March 1680, he was ordered to pay 1500 pounds of tobacco “with costs of Sute” to Christopher Oldfield “according to the deed.” There is a deed is recorded in Pasquotank County Court House, Elizabeth City, NC, signed by Henry White, Sr., on 18 April 1704, and reads as follows: "for the love and affection I bear to my Son-in-Law [step-son] John Morris, do make this gift a parcil of land, the quanity no known out of Patent in the king's name bearing the date 25 Sept 1663. Along the way with Benjamin Morris (1757-1808) and his wife Sarah, by Lewis Ecroyd Morris, 1996. “Researchers believed the Morris family migrated from Virginia to Perquimans County, North Carolina where a Charles Morris attended a Quaker meeting at Arnold White's house 24 4 mo 1679. He had a wife Hannah and died in Pasquotank County, North Carolina in 1679. Little River Quaker Register gives most valuable information on this family. Some researchers believed Charles Morris was the father of John Morris born 31 Mar 1680 who married Mary Symons daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (White) Symons in 1703.” Research notes on Knight and Lomax allied families, Volume 1, Jane Kyhl Beekman, 1993, p. 87.

Children of John Morris I and Damaris Page:

1. John Morris II b. 31 Mar 1680


JOHN MORRIS II AND MARY SYMONS [Morris, John = Symons, Mary 4 Sep 1703 NC Pasquotank]

JOHN MORRIS II, b. 31 Mar 1680 Pasquotank Co., NC, d. will dated 20 Sep 1739 Pasquotank Co., NC, he m. 4 Sep 1703 Pasquotank Co., NC to Mary Symons daughter of Thomas Symons and Rebecca White, b 1687, d 14, 8mo 1745 at age 58 years. Sons: Joseph and John ("my manner plantation") Zachariah, Isaac, Aaron. Daughters: Hannah and Sarah Morris. Wife and Executrix: Mary. Witnesses: John Belman, Mary Albertson, Joseph Robinson. Clerk of the Court: James Craven. At a Monthly Meeting held in Pasquotank at Symons Creek ye 7th Day of the 10th Month 1727 ... friends appoint Benjamin Pritchard and John Morris to Represent the State of friends to the next Quarterly Meeting. "Both Jon Morris and his wife were members of Little River Meeting, Pasquotank, Albemarle, North Carolina. Jno Morris departed this life ye 20th of ye 9th month, in ye year 1739; he being an elder of our meeting pretty well acounted of, and in the 60th year of his age.” Among Ourselves: Out of North Carolina, By Sarah Parke Morrison, p. 12. Thomas Symons, Pasquotank, 20th 11th month, 1702-3; April 16th, 1706. Son John, wife Rebecca, grandson Thomas Symons (son of John), son Peter, wife Executrix, test, John White, John Morris, Zach Nixon. North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, Edited by James Robert Bent Hathaway, p. 81.

Children of John Morris II and Mary Symons:

1. John Morris III, b. ca 1704 Pasquotank Co., NC-5/21/1759 (will Bertie Co., NC), m. Rebecca Early ca. 1723 Pasquotank Co., NC

2. Joseph Morris b. ca. 1706 Pasquotank Co., NC

3. Hannah Morris b. ca. 1708 Pasquotank Co., NC

4. Isaac Morris b. ca. 1710 Pasquotank Co., NC

5. Sarah Morris b. ca. 1712 Pasquotank Co., NC m. Samuel Moore b. 1707 [Morris, Sarah Moore, Samuel 6 Nov 1732 NC Pasquotank]

6. Aaron Morris b. ca. 1714 Pasquotank Co., NC

7. Zachariah Morris b. ca. 1716 Pasquotank Co,, NC


JOHN MORRIS III AND REBECCA EARLY [Morris, John = Early Rebecca ca. 1723 NC Pasquotank]

JOHN MORRIS III, b. ca 1704 Perquimans Co., NC-5/211759 (will in Bertie Co., NC), m. Rebecca Early ca. 1723 in Pasquotank Co., NC. Rebecca was b. ca. 1705, and d. Aft.1760 in Bertie Co., NC, daughter of John Early and Ann ____. William Early first came to the Colonies, when George Morris and William Lane, rec’d 2500 acres Rappahannock Co., VA on 20 Jul 1662 for transporting 50 persons of which, William Earle was one. This was on north side of the river on a great branch of Rappahannock Creek. Will of John Morris, Bertie co NC in 1759 lists sons John, William, Benjamin, Nathan, Jacob, James Early, Richard, and daughters Mary Stallings, Ann Holmes, Sarah Farmer, Elizabeth, and Jane, with wife Rebekah. Wits were William Willeford, Jacob Stallings, and J. Early (John Early). All of the sons' names except Richard show in various Tyrrell / Martin county records. William died in 1767 and his Tyrrell co will mentions son Edward / Edmond and daughters Mary Padgett (wife of John), Sarah Smith, Ann Nichols (wife of Jehu), Hannah Seals (wife of John), and Elizabeth Jones. William's will also mentions his wife's name, Jane, but this Jane may be a second or third wife. William was a son-in-law of John and Margaret Browning in 1720, but Browning's later will mentions only the daughters Elizabeth and Dorcas. Edward/ Edmond Morris died in 1781 in Martin Co. and his will mentions sons William and James both under 21, son John, daughters Rachel Buttrey (wife of Silvanus), Martha Frizzell (wife of Daniel), and Zilpah (later the wife of my John Ferrill), and his wife Rebecca, executor was John Padgett. John Early's will in Bertie co is in 1740 mentions son John, daughters Bethsheba Morris, Rebekah Morris (wife of John), Margaret McHenry, Martha Thomas, Mary Blake, Sarah Keef, Elizabeth Wilson (wife of William. Jacob Morris went to Anson co NC and several families went into Montgomery, Stewart, and Maury TN and Trigg co KY. Will of James Early – 30 Mar 1786 Bertie Co. NC. ”..very sick and weak in body…”Wife Grace – lend Negroes Rose and Viris, mare, bed, cow, pewter, chairs etc, and one-third part of the plantation where I now live, also household goods during her lifetime or widowhood. Eldest son Shadrack Early, tools, plantation formerly called Morrises place with other land adj. Beaver Dam Swamp, Plumbtree Branch, John Oliver, Janos Hale, Cashy Road. Younger son John Early, my remaining land, horse, gun, tools, etc. Daughter Sarah Early, bed, wheel, animals. Daughter Elizabeth Jenkins, dish, basin, etc. All money due me is to be paid to my executors and twenty pounds of that amount shall be laid out upon pewter and pots, and twenty pounds are to be equally divided among my two sons and two of my daughters Shadrack Early, John Early, Sarah Early and Christian Early. Remaining estate to wife Grace and son John. Negroes and personal effects lent to my wife shall be sold at her death with proceeds divided among my sons and five daughters Shadrack Early, John Early, Lavina Mitchell, Mary Baker, Elizabeth Jinkins, Sarah Early and Christian Early. Ex: sons Shadrack and John Wits: Levy Baker, Benjamin Early and William Morris.

Children of John Morris III and Rebecca Early, all born in Bertie Co., NC:

1. John Morris IV, b. ca. 1724 in Bertie Co., NC

2. Ann Morris, b. ca. 1726 in Bertie Co., NC; m. Holmes

3. William Morris, b. ca.. 1728 in VA; d. 1807 in Bertie Co., NC; m. Susanna

4. Mary Morris, b. ca. 1730 in Bertie Co., NC; Reuben Stallings

5. Sarah Morris, b. ca. 1732 in Bertie Co., NC; m. Joseph Farmer

6. Elizabeth Morris, b. ca. 1734 in Bertie Co., NC

7. Jane Morris, born ca 1736 in Bertie Co., NC

8. Benjamin Morris, b. ca. 1738 in Bertie Co., NC

9. Nathaniel “Nathan” Morris, b. ca. 1740 in Bertie Co., NC

10. Jacob Morris, b. ca. 1742 in Bertie Co., NC

11. James Early Morris, b. ca. 1744 in Bertie Co., NC

12. Richard Morris, b. ca. 1746 in Bertie Co., NC


JOHN MORRIS IV AND SARAH PIERCE [Morris, John = Pierce, Sarah 1 May 1745 NC Perquimans]

JOHN MORRIS IV, was b. ca. 1724 and m. SARAH PIERCE on 1 May 1745 in NC Perquimans. January Court, 1754. From Grimes' Abstract of Wills, 1690-1760. Watkins, Thomas. (his connection to John Morris IV and Sarah Pierce is unknown) of Perquimans County. Legatees: John and Richard Whedbee, John Morris and Samuel Newby, Executor: John Whedbee. Witnesses: William Foster, Potseful Pierce, Mary Pierce, Mary Whedbee. Clerk of the Court: Edmund Hatch. p. 39.

Children of John Morris and Sarah Pierce:

1. Mary Morris b. ca. 1746 Bertie Co., NC

2. Elizabeth Morris b. ca. 1748 Bertie Co., NC

3. John Morris V b. 1750 Bertie Co., NC m. Rachel Davis on 8/1784 Rutherford Co., NC

4. Sarah Morris b. ca. 1754 Bertie Co., NC

5. Hannah Morris b. ca. 1754 Bertie Co., NC

6. Micajah Morris b. 1756 Bertie Co., NC m. Sarah Moore, daughter of Aaron Moore (Aaron was the brother of Moses Moore) of Rutherford Co., NC and Rachel Lawrence. Deed Book 31, p.349, 24 June 1810. His pension application

7. William Morris b. 1758 Bertie Co., NC d. 9/8/1824 in Gwinnett Co., GA m. 12 Mae 1786 in Halifax Co., VA to Elizabeth “Betsy” McGinnis their bondsman and bestman was Hugh Dobbins and they were married by her cousin Rev. Moore who filed the marriage in Caswell Co., NC which was the next stop on his circuit. Jackson Co., GA Tax Digest volume for 1809 in the Probate Office, Jackson Court House, Jefferson, GA, named William Morris as an early settler. He was on the 1820 Jackson Co., GA census, image 22 of 31 on as William Morris, Sr. 000001//02001 and next door was his son William Morris 400100//10100, thereafter on the Gwinnett Co., GA census. According to, Gone To Georgia: Jackson and Gwinnett Counties and their Neighbors in the Western Migration, by William C. Stewart, William Morris, Sr. shortly after the 1820 census removed to Gwinnett Co., GA where on Sept 27, 1821, he applied for a pension granted Oct. 29, 1822. While in Jackson, in the 1820 lottery, he drew Early and Irwin counties and granted respectively Feb. 28, 1821 and March 31, 1824.

8. Jemima Morris b. ca. 1760 Bertie Co., NC m. William Simpson on 12 Mar 1780 in Pasquotank NC

9. James Morris b. ca. 1762 Bertie Co., NC, on 1820 Jackson Co., GA census 000001//00100 Image 21 of 31 on


JOHN MORRIS V AND RACHEL DAVIS [Morris, John = Davis, Rachel 8/1783 NC Rutherford] verified w/ pension

William Morris, son of John and Rachel (Davis) Morris of Union Co., SC, filed a power of attorney in Bertie Co., NC as heir of John Morris, late a private in Captain Williams' company in the 5th regiment of the NC line in the revolutionary army. This ties the Morris family of Union Co., SC to the Morris family of Bertie Co., NC.

The tie between Gwinnett Co., GA and Union Co., SC arises with the testimony of his daughter Polly Mott in which she states her brother Thomas "went off to make inquiry about her father's bounty land that her brother Micajah drew. Thomas “went off to make inquiry about the land" and "she heard her father John Morris in conversation with Nathaniel Dobbs and Frank Foster regarding his service in the Virginia line." Thomas Morris is listed on the 1820 Gwinnett Co., GA census living a few houses from William Dobbs, son of Nathaniel Dobbs, Sr. Nathaniel Dobbs, Sr. was aso living in Gwinnett Co., GA next to his sons Austin Dobbs and Nathaniel Dobbs, Jr. Thomas Morris married Peggy Wilson on 28 Dec 1809 in Franklin Co., GA before moving to Gwinnett Co., GA.

JOHN MORRIS V, (ca. 1750 in Bertie Co., NC-2/18/1807 UNION CO, SC), m. Rachel Davis 8/1783 in Rutherford Co., NC. John and his family are on the 1800 Union Co., SC census as Males: 0-10=2, 10-15=1, 45+-1 Females: 0-10=2, 10-15=1, 26-44=1.

Evidence given 10 Feb 1852 in Union District SC that Rachel McKissick widow of Daniel McKissick died March 1851. Testimony given in Union District South Carolina by Thomas Morris that he is a grandson of Rachel McKissick widow of Daniel McKissick; that his grandmother was living with him at the time of her death which occurred the 4th day of March 1851. He signed his affidavit with his mark on 11 Feb 1852. Clark, State Records, 16:1111; William Morris, son (heir) of John Morris, power of attorney to James Freeman to seek a military land warrant based on John Morris’s Revolutionary War service, July 5, 1820, in BERTIE COUNTY, State Military Papers, folder 122.1; Abraham Jenkins, declaration dated July 4, 1820, in Bertie County, State Military Papers, folder 122.2. Jenkins stated John Morris “died about the year 1783.”Morris, John, private: Resided in Bertie County and enlisted on an undisclosed date for two and one-half years. Served in Capt. John Pugh Williams’s company. Discharged on June 16, 1778.

Sworn 13 Aug 1851 SC Union Dist. Before me personally appeared Polly Mott a resident of Spartanburg Dist. age 64 years past who being first duly sworn according to law says that she is the daughter of John and Rachel [Davis] Morris now Rachel McCisick [McKissick] and the she has always understood and believes that her father the said John Morris was a soldier in the Virginia line during the Revolutionary War and Micajah Morris and William Morris, brothers of her father, were also in the same service but entered at a later period of the war. She recollects that Micajah Morris some years after the death of her father visited her mother and informed her she could draw her father John Morris bounty land and that her brother Thomas went off to make inquiry about the land but on his return would give no satisfaction about the worth of his inquiry. Also she often heard her father in conversation with Nathaniel Dobbs and Frank Foster, all of whom came from Virginia, talk over their services in the revolution. [Nathaniel Dobbs moved from Anson Co., NC to Union Co., SC bet. 1790-1800, his will was dated 4/16/1800 in Union Co., SC.] On the 1820 Union Co., SC census, Daniel McKissick (age 45+), son of Isaac McKissick, was living next door to Joshua D. Palmer (age 26-45). Joseph McKissick, Daniel's nephew, married Rhoda Palmer, daughter of John Palmer and Martha Williams and granddaughter of Ellis Palmer and Ann Rudd of Edgefield Co., SC. John W. Palmer b. 6 Sep 1753 North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co., VA m. Martha “Patsy” Williams, daughter of William Williams, of their children [all b. in Union Co., SC], William C. Palmer m. Elizabeth Morgan and later settled in Greene Co., GA, and Rebecca Palmer m. Isaac Going on 28 Apr 1775. Two of Rebecca's children were Drury Dobbins Going and Isaac McKissick Goings.

Testimony from Polly Mott a resident of Spartanburg district South Carolina, aged 64 years, gave testimony that she is the daughter of John and Rachel Morris since Rachel McKissick and that she has always understood her father was a soldier in the Virginia line during the revolutionary war serving under a Captain White and Captain Spencer under General Greene; that he was wounded at the battle of Guilford; that her [his] brothers Micajah and William Morris were also in the service but entered at a later period of the war; that her brother Micajah drew her father's bounty land and that her brother Thomas went off to make inquiry about the land; that she heard her father John Morris in conversation with Nathaniel Dabbs [Dobbs] & Frank Foster regarding their service in the Virginia line. She signed her affidavit with her mark on August 13th, 1851. Testimony given on October 6, 1849 in Rutherford County North Carolina by Simon Davis, 88 or 90 years of age, who states that he was acquainted with John Morris shortly after the close of the revolutionary war; that John Morris married Rachel Davis about 63 or 64 years ago in Rutherford County North Carolina; that they removed to Union District South Carolina. He states what John Morris told him about his service as reflected in the widow's application. John Morris had returned to Rutherford Co., NC after his injury during the Battle of Eutaw Springs on 8 Sep 1781 and according to Rachel's testamony, they m. Aug. 1783. At age 16 Thomas was likely working full-time on a nearby farm and not counted with the family during the 1800 census otherwise he would have been under the 16-25 category. The Palmer family who settled in Old 96 after getting state land grants after the Rev. War, who are referred to by Leonardo Andres as “Virginia Palmers.” Most settled in Union County, SC.

L, 138-139: John McGuire of Union District for $50 to William H. Hendley of same, 100 acres, being my proportionable part of 500 acres belonging to the widow and heirs on, ferry McGuire deceased on waters of Fannans Creek adj. McKissick, Frank Foster, Robert Cook, Vincent Davis, 14 Aug 1811. John McGuire (LS), Wit: D. B. Rice, Lucy Smith, Mary Hendley. Proved by the oath of Lucy Smith 14 Feb 1812 before Jos. Gist, Q.U. Recorded 16 March 1812. P, 35-36: South Carolina, Union District. Henry Davis of district aforesaid for $500 to Henry Gault of same, tract whereon I now live on the Reed branch, waters of Packolet River adj. Isaac McKissick, Isaac Going, Steady Guardner, Lucy Farr, A. Wood & James Cunningham, 232 acres, 4 Oct 1817. Henry Davis (LS), Wit: Jno Bankhead, 1. J. Foster. Proved by the oath of Isaac J. Foster before Isaac Going, J.P. 8 Jan 1818. Nancy Davis (mark), wife of Henry Davis, relinquished dower 23 Nov 1818 before Wm. F. Gist, Q. U. Recorded 7 Dec 1818. It appears Rachel Davis is the sister of Allen Davis b. bef. 1750 in Union Co., SC, he is on the 1790 census is living in Union Co., SC. Allen Davis had 4 known sons: Aaron Davis born 1770-1780 and Vincent Davis was born 1780-1790, Levi Davis and John Davis. Allen Davis died before 1800, but Aaron and Vincent are on the same page in Union County, SC and John Davis m. Martha Morris. The 1800 Union Co., SC Census John Morris 249 and next door to John Davis 249.

Children of John Morris V and Rachel Davis m. Aug 1783:

1. William Morris b. 1784 Union Co., SC, son and heir, [p 3: Power of attorney dated July 3rd, 1820 filed in Bertie County North Carolina by William Morris claiming to be heir at law of John Morris late a private in Captain Williams' Company in the 5th Reg. of the North Carolina line in the revolutionary Army. His mother testified during her testimony on 13 Oct 1849, that her oldest child born of her marriage with John Morris was 66 years old the first day of May last.

2. Mary "Polly" Morris b. 1786 Union Co., SC m. Daniel Mack Mott, on Aug 13th, 1851, Polly was age 66 at testimony.

3. Thomas Morris b. 1 May 1788 Union Co., SC m. in Jefferson Co., GA Peggy Wilson 28 Dec 1809. Jackson Co., GA Tax Digest volume for 1809 in the Probate Office, Jackson Court House, Jefferson, GA, states Thomas Morris was an early settler. He was on the 1820 Gwinnett Co., GA census Image 10 of 22 at 100010//41010

4. Micajah Morris b. 1790 Union Co., SC, he is mentioned as having drawn his father's Georgia bounty land in a drawing in Georgia.

5. John Morris VI b. ca. 1792 Union Co., SC m. ca. 1815 to unknown, had Francis “Frank” Morris ca. 1816 GA who m. Ann ca. 1837 and had John Morris ca. 1838 GA and Frances “Fanny” Morris in Dec 1840 GA and probably other children. Jackson Co., GA Tax Digest volume for 1809 in the Probate Office, Jackson Court House, Jefferson, GA, states John Morris was an early settler.

6. James Morris b. 1794 Union Co., SC, he is on 1820 Jackson Co., GA census 000100//00100 (age 26)

7. Rachel Morris b. 1796 Union Co., SC, p 7: Power of attorney dated July 15, 1853 filed in Union District South Carolina by Rachel Morris daughter of Rachel McChisick, widow of John Morris of Union District SC. She signed her power of attorney with her mark.

8. Martha Morris b. ca 1798 Bertie Co., NC m. John Davis, son of Allen Davis

9. Elizabeth Morris b. 1800 Union Co., SC-1853 Union Co. SC, daughter of Rachel Morris McKissick formerly widow of John Morris. She calls on a pension application that her mother Rachel David Morris McKissick "my mother now dec'd."


JOHN MORRIS AND UNKNOWN SPOUSE [Morris, John = Alexander, Elizabeth 8 Oct 1810 NC Pasquotank]

JOHN MORRIS VI b. ca. 1794 in Union Co., SC m. ca. 1815 to an unknown spouse. John was likely living with his in-laws in 1810 and deceased prior to 1820. History of Gwinnett County, Georgia: 1818-1943 By James C. Flanigan, John Morris Lot 344 Fraction lot. He is not located on the Jackson Co. census in 1820 or the 1820 Gwinnett Co., GA census where his brother Thomas and uncle William settled. The Morris names in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees are: Frederick Morris, John Morris, John Morris, John Morris, John Morriss (Morris), Jesse Morris, Sherod Morris, Francis Morris, Alexander Morris. Those who settled in Jackson Co., GA according to the Tax Digest volume for 1809, located in the Probate Office, Jackson Court House, Jefferson, GA, Morris settlers were: John Morris, William Morris, Thomas Morris. His brother Thomas Morris was b. ca. 1788 in Union Co., SC m. Peggy Wilson on 28 Dec 1809 in Jackson Co., GA. Thomas was living two houses from William Dobbs, son of Nathaniel Dobbs, Sr. a close friend of his father. Nathaniel Dobbs, Sr. m. Frances Yancey or Yancy and they were granted 200 acres in Franklin Co., GA in 1801 as recorded in Deed Book DDDD, p. 257.and he can be located on the 1820 Gwinnett Co., GA census next to his sons Austin Dobbs and Nathaniel Dobbs, Jr. This Yancy family was from Halifax Co., VA (the place where William Morris b. 1758 m. Betsy McGinnis) and also from Rutherford Co., NC (the placed where Micajah Morris b. 1756 m. Sarah Moore). Nathaniel Dobbs is buried in the Dobbs Family Cemetery in Gwinnett Co., GA. In 1820 Thomas Morris was married in Jackson Co., GA and is listed on the Gwinnett Co., GA census as Males age 26/45=1 (Thomas) and Males age 1/10=1 (Francis) and Females age 26/45=1 (Peggy), age 10/16=1 and age 1/10=4. This family is not found on the 1830, 1840 or 1850 Gwinnett Co., GA. In 1729 Samuel Saxon was listed having adjoining land to Charles Yancey and John Daniel in Hanover Co., VA. Patent Book 13, p. 411, 9/27/1729. In 1750 in Greene Co., GA John Morris b. ca. 1780 is living with the family of Samuel B. Daniel and his wife Mary (Morgan) Daniel. The families of Morris, Yancy, Dobbs, McGinnis, Moore, and Daniel were very close and intermarried often. The Yancy / Yancey were also early living in Union Co., SC.


1. John Morris VI b. ca. 1816

2. Francis “Frank” Morris b. ca. 1818


FRANCIS "FRANK" MORRIS AND ANN ____ [Morris, Francis = _____, Ann ca. 1831 GA - unverfied]

FRANCIS "FRANK" MORRIS was b. ca. 1810 GA, he m. ca 1831 Ann ____. His uncle Thomas Morris was b. ca. 1788 in Union Co. SC m. in Jackson Co., GA m. Peggy Wilson on 28 Dec 1809. Thomas was living 2 houses from William Dobbs, son of Nathaniel Dobbs, Sr., a close friend of his father. The 1820 Gwinnett Co., GA Census shows Males 1/10=1 (Frank), 26/45=1 (Thomas) // Females 1/10=4, 10/16=1, 26/45-1. Thomas Morris and his family are not found on the 1830, 1840 or 1850 census.

Children of Francis "Frank" Morris and Ann ___:

1. John Morris b. ca. 1832 GA

2. Ann Morris b. ca. 1834

3. Thomas Morris b. ca 1836 GA

4. Rachel Morris b. ca. 1838 GA

5. Frances Drucilla Morris b. Dec 1840 GA


FRANCES DRUCILLA MORRIS AND WILLIAM “BILL” LEWIS ESTILL [Morris, Frances D. = Estill, William L. 8 Oct 1868 Savannah, Hardin Co., TN]

FRANCES DRUCILLA MORRIS b. Dec 1840 GA, 1860 Savannah Hardin Co., TN Census, Joshua T. Palmer 40, IN, [10/21/1819 IA-11/8/1880 Gainsville, Rusk, TX] Elizabeth Palmer 41 F TN [Graham] (3 Apr 1818 Jefferson, TN-4 Jan 1844 Hardin, TN), Ursula Palmer 12, TN, Wm M. Palmer 10, TN, Hester A. Palmer 8, TN, Marsellus Palmer 6, TN, Henry Palmer 11, TN, Alexander K. Palmer 6/12, TN, Jas Graham 23, TN, Fanny Morris 20, GA FRANCES “FANNY” DRUCILLA MORRIS (DEC 1840 GA->1910 CALLAHAN CO., TX) M. WILLIAM “BILL” LEWIS ESTILL IN SAVANNAH, HARDIN CO., TN ON 8 OCT 1868.

Children of Frances Morris and William Estill:

1. Laura Alabama “Allie” Estill (9/7/1870 Chattanouga TN-5/1/1949 Baird Co., TX) m. J. N.Francis and Hiram S. Monk

2. Zelda Ann Estill (9/9/1873 Chattanouga,TN-2/18/1882 Baird Co., TX)

3. Commadore Woods Estill (6/24/1875 Chattanouga TN-12/13/1953 Comanche, TX)

4. Pearl Marvin Estill (2/22/1878 Chattanouga TN-3/5/1948 Baird, Callahan, TX) 1860 Savannah Hardin County TN Census Palmer, Joshua T 40 M Farmer IA [10/21/1819 IA-11/8/1880 Gainsville, Rusk, TX] Palmer, Elizabeth 41 F TN [surname Graham b. 3 Apr 1818 in Jefferson, TN d. 4 Jan 1844 Hardin, TN] Palmer, Ursula 12 F TN Palmer, Wm W 10 M TN Palmer, Hester A 8 F TN Palmer, Marsellus 6 M TN Palmer, Henry M 11 M TN Palmer, Alexander K 6/12 M TN Graham, Jas 23 M TN Morris, Fanny 20 F Com Laborer GA.

His brother and father lived next door with his parents: 1860 Savannah Hardin County TN Census Palmer, T. [Thomas] M. 38 M Farmer IN [he was b. 1822 Knox, Indiana] Palmer, Sarah C 16 F AL Palmer, Margaret J 14 F MS Palmer, Martin 69 M Farmer SC [born 1791] Palmer Hetta 69 F SC On the 1840 Wayne Co. TN Census Martin Palmore 0011101-/0101011- Martin H. Palmore 20001-/00001- On the 1850 Wayne Co., TN Census Martin Palmer M 60 SC Hetty Palmer F 60 SC Sarah Palmer F 6 AL Janie Palmer F 4 MS.

Frances D. Morris and William L. Estill m. in Savannah, Hardin Co., TN 8 Oct 1868, sadly, their marriage records were destroyed by a water leak at the library in which these records were kept. 1870 Census July 14, 1870, Haywood County, TN married to W. L. Estill, shows she was born in GA. 462B 17 Estell Wm Farmer 33 AL pg 0461a.txt 462B 18 Estell Francis Keep House 29 GA pg0461a Missouri State and Territory Census Records 1732-1933 Cape Girardeau 1876 W L Estill Male 21-45 White 1831-1855 197 Commodore W Estill Male 0-9 White 1867-1876 197 Francis D Estill Male 21-45 White 1831-1855 197 Laura A Estill Female 0-9 White 1867-1876 197 Zelda A Estill Female 0-9 White 1867-1876 197 1880 Census District 5, McNairy County, TN W L Estill Self M 42 Alabama Frances D Estill Wife F 38 Georgia Lurah A Estill Daughter F 9 Tennessee Zelda A Estill Daughter F 6 Tennessee Commadore Estill Son M 5 Tennessee Pearl M Estill Daughter F 2 Tennessee 1900 Census Callahan County, Texas, she is shown as being born in GA and her parents born in GA Census 8 Jun 1900 Callahan County Texas W L Estill Head White Male Dec 1837 AL TN AL F D Estill Wife White Female Dec 1840 59 31 4 3 GA GA GA 1910 (Oct) Death Record - Unable to locate her death record in Baird or Clyde, Callahan Co., TX where she reportedly died. 1948 her daughter’s funeral record provided her name as Frances D. Morris, without further information. FUNERAL RECORD OF PEARL MARVIN ESTILL SWINSON 1948. Page 3. March 5, 1948. Mrs. Pearl Marvin Swinson white widowed Residence: Baird, Texas Date of death: March 5, 1948 Date of birth: February 22, 1878 Age: 70 years, 0 months, 13 days Date of Funeral: March 8, 1948 Wylie Funeral Home Clergy: Rev. John English Place of birth: Chattanooga, Tn. Place of death: Baird/Callahan County Hospital Cause: organic heart disease, myocarditis MD: Dr. Griggs of Baird Father: Billy Estelle Place of birth:? Mother: Francis D. Morris Place of birth:? Casket by: Texas Coffin Company Buried: Ross Cemetery, Baird, Texas.