Militia Roster, Augusta County, VA, 1742


From Chalkley's Chronicles

William Beverley, Esq., County Lieutenant
James Patton, Colonel
Capt. John Smith, No. 1
Capt. Andrew Lewis, No. 2
Capt. John Buchanan
Capt. James Cathey, No. 4
Capt. John Christian, No. 5
Capt Sam Gay, No. 6
Capt. Peter Sheul (Scholl), No. 7
Capt. James Gill (First Burgess), No. 8
Capt. John Willson, No. 9
Capt. Hugh Thompson, No. 10
Capt. George Robinson, No. 11
Capt. John McDowell, No. 12.
Heare followeth a list of all the Muster (?) of Augusta County under
their respective officers and Captains:
Captain John Smith's List
John Smith, Captain
Kohn Moffet, Lieutenant
William Anderson, Ensign
Daniel Daniston, Sergeant
Sam Hogshead
John Hogshead
Will Hogshead
Dan. McAnear
Math. Edmeston
John Finley
Walter Trimble
John Francis
Robert Ralston
John Young
Alex. Blair
Alex. Craig
Thomas Gillespy
And. Erwine
Benj. Erwine
John Erwine
Edw. Erwine
John Trimble
James Trimble
Rob. Moffett
James Wright
Rob. King
Jam. Armstrong
John Pattison
Jas. Lesley
Felix Kanady
Thomas Gordon
And. Mitchell
Jas. Robertson
Gabrl. Pickins
Rob. Leeper
Sam. Moore
John Miller
James Miller
Patr. Quine
Mat. Armstrong
John Ramsey
Dan. Daniston
Sam Northward
Rob. Renick
John Archer
Sampn. Archer
Jam.'s Sayers
Thos. McCulough
George Anderson
John Anderson
Rob. Poage
Rob. Patterson
Jas. Craford
Will Baskins.
Capt. John Buchanan's List
John Buchanan, Captain
Will Evins, Lieutenant
Josef Catton, Ensign
John Mitchell, Sergeant
Joseph Kanada
James Cooke
Charles Donocho
Solo Moffett
Jas. Sunderlin
Will Sayers
John Dyche
Rob. Catton
Charles Gamble
Sam Walker
Alex. Walker
John Walker
Joseph Walker
Cha. Hays
And. Martin
John Edmoston
Jas. Robinson
Ths. Duchart
Will Quinn
Thomas Williams
Jab Anderson
Joh Anderson
James Anderson
Isaac Anderson
And. Hays
John McCroserce
Will Buchanan
Rich. Courser
Sam Dunlap
Will Lonchrage
Rob. Dunlap
Jams Ecken
Will McCantes
John Moor
Will Moor
David Moor
Alex. Moor
And. Moor
Will Mitchel
Nathn. Evins
John Stephenson
James Eken
Jas. Greenlee
John Paul
Mat. Lyle
Joh. Gray
Ths. McSpedan
Joh. Mathews
Will Armstrong
Rob. Huddon
Will Hall
Sam. Gray
Isaac Taylor
Michael O'Docherty
Sam McClewer
Edw. Boyle
Will Humphrey
Nathn. McClewer
John Philip Weaver
Capt. James Cathey's List
James Cathey, Captain
John Given
John Case
Andr. Case
Will Brown
David Logan
John Case
Sam Case
Thos. Stephenson
David Stephenson
John McClewer
Joseph Hanna
John Frame
Hugh Camble
Michel Dickey
Nichel Leeper
Sam Hues
Rob. Craig
Wm. Monson
William Johston
James Givens
David Nelson
Rob. Koney
James Fowler
Edw. Givens
James Case
George Anderson
Nathan Underwood
George Anderson
James Scott
Andr. Cathey
Francis Raley
John McCown
John King
Robert Joweter
Rob Brown
Rob. McDowell
Wm. Hains
James Allan
Jams. Chambers
Sam Givens
Thos. Lander (Lauder)
Archabel Hamilton
Capt. John Christian's List
John Christian, Captain
William Christian, Lieutenant
Fran Betty, Ensign
Jhn. Holms
Josep Read
Finley McClewr
George Camble
George Caldwell
Wm. Caldwell
Alex. Thompson
Jas. Caldwell
Isaac McCulough
Jas. Armstrong
Wm. Armstrong
Thos. Henderson
Wm. Henderson
Rob Conigham
Wm. Conigham
Thos. Black
Wm. Johnston
Joh Davison
And. Cowin
Jas. Moody
Jas. Willson
Niol. Leeper
Jno. Turk
Wm. Adams
David Mitchel
Rob. Ramsey
John Mitchel
Jas. Fulton
John Fulton
John Brownlee
Chas. Camble
Jas. Camble
Will Camble
Jno. Buchanan
Nathan McClewer
Jas. Robinson
Antho Black
Will Long
Thos. Bell
Jas. Bell
Jno. Black
Wm. Robinson
Thos. Shields
And. McCord
Thos. Beans
Arth. Hamilton
And. Scott
John Maxwell
Pat. Barney
Alex. Brackinsedg
Rob. Brackinsedg
James Brackinsedg
_____ McCoulough
Jas. Miler
Rob. McClenachan
Jno. Doacke
Sam Doacke
Patt Hayes
And. Boyd
Jas. Black
Alex. Fordice
David Steel
Moses Thompson
John Thompson
And. Russell
Hug Martine
Joh Robinson
Jas. Beans
Rob. Alexander
Ths. Lewis.
Capt. Peter Shoull's List
Peter Shoull, Captain
And. Burd, Lieutenant
Math. Skeens, Ensign
Abram Harden
John Hill
Johnath Burley
Georg. Clemens
Wm. Halimes
Zebulun Harrison
Jno. Davis
Jno. Taylor
Joseph Burley
William White
Isaac Lotos
Wm. Sherral
Valante Severe
John Cumberland
Jacob Jacobs
Thos. Moor
Jas. Haveworth
John Beeson
Steph. Howard
Joseph Howard
John Benson
Benj. Hames (Haines)
John Harrison
Thos. Lowker
Griffiths Thomas
John White
Adam Sherral
Rob. Caldwal
John Miller
Will Brizes (Briges)
Wm. Carrel
John Hodg
John Haveworth.
Capt. James Gill's List
James Gill, Captain
John Dobbin, Lieutenant
Wm. Sharrel
Bons Harding
Wm. Welling
John Johnson
John Wilkins
George Furbush
Barnabee McHenery
Rick Dictum
Dan Murley
Nicola Brock
Martin Shoemaker
John Howlain
And. Holman
George Legler
Joseph Dunham
Timothy Taylor
George Willes
Sam Brown
John Cumberland
Sam Beason
James Spencer
Wm. Prickett
Wm. Hall
Wm. McClain
Michael Brock
Thos. West
Wm. Sames
Cornelius Murley
Nicol Cain
Henery Brock
John Fisher
Thos. Wilkins
Joseph Harding
John Ryal
Abram Dunblederey
Riley Moor
Fraderich Brock
John McClairn
William Sharrle, Sr.
William Sharrle, Jr.
Capt. John Willson's Lists
John Wilson, Captain
Sam Calehison
Nathan Lusk
John Shields
John Greer
John Patterson
George Davison
John Hunter
Wm. Hunter
James Hunter
John Rusk
James Clark
Wm. Vance
Rob Croket
John Trumble
Wm. King
Sa. Walace
John Spear
Thomas Peery
Alex. McConnel
Rob. Young
James Young
Jacob Lockard
Patt. Cook
James Lockard
William McCutcheon
James McCutcheon
Rob. McCutcheon
Alex. Crocket
Wm. Camble
Nathl. Davis
James Philip
John Barclay
James Lusk
James Trumble
Benj. Walker
Wm. Leadgerwood
Morris Offral
Rob Davies
John Brown
Wm. McClantok
Wm. Johnson
John Young
Hugh Young
Thos. Kirkpatrick
David Camble
John McCutcheon.
Capt. George Robinson's List
George Robinson, Captain
James McFeron, Lieutenant
Pat. Shirky, Ensign
James Ranfro, Sergeant
Dan Manaughan
Mark Coal
Peter Ranfro
George Draper
Rob Roland
Edw. Smith
Fran Kelly
And. Ganghagall
Henry Stiles
Hen Philip
Thomas Rindel
Thomas Looney
Rob Looney
Dan Looney
Adam Looney
Mark Joans
John Askins
John Flower
James Coal
Bryan Cass
Cornel Dougherty
Wm. Acres
Tasker Tosh
Hen Brown
Sam Brown
James Burk
Wm. Bean
Sam Martin
Peter Kinder
Stephen Evins
Peter Watkins
Stephen Ranfro
Benj. Davis
Wm. Clark
Wm. Shepherd
Benj. Deeson
John Smith
Hugh Coruthers
Wm. Bradshay
John Coal
Wm. Craven
Simon Acres
Nicol Horseford
_____ Meason.
Capt. John McDowell's List
John McDowell, Captain
James McDowell
Ephraim McDowell
David Breeden
Alex. McClewer
John McClewer
Halbert McClewer
Sam McRoberts
Thomas Taylor
John McKnab
And. McKnab
Thos. Whiteside
Malco Whiteside
John Aleson
David Bires
Alex. McClure
Moses McClure
John Gray
Patt McKnabb
Wm. Hall
John Miless
Wm. Miles.
James Hardiman
Charles Quail
Wm. Wood
Hen. Kirkham
Gilbert Gamble
James Gamble
Rob. Young
Math. Young
_____ Long
_____ Long
James More
Hugh Cunigham
James Cunigham
John Cares
Frances McCowan
Hum. Beaker
John Peter Salley
Mitch. Miller
Loromor Mason
John Matthews
John Cosier
Irwin Patterson
Edward Patterson
Joseph Finney
Michael Finney
Sam Wood
Rich. Wood
Joseph Lapsley.