From Chalkley's Chronicles
William Beverley, Esq., County Lieutenant
| James Patton, Colonel
| Capt. John Smith, No. 1
| Capt. Andrew Lewis, No. 2
| Capt. John Buchanan
| Capt. James Cathey, No. 4
| Capt. John Christian, No. 5
| Capt Sam Gay, No. 6
| Capt. Peter Sheul (Scholl), No. 7
| Capt. James Gill (First Burgess), No. 8
| Capt. John Willson, No. 9
| Capt. Hugh Thompson, No. 10
| Capt. George Robinson, No. 11
| Capt. John McDowell, No. 12.
| Heare followeth a list of all the Muster (?) of Augusta County under
| their respective officers and Captains:
| Captain John Smith's List
| John Smith, Captain
| Kohn Moffet, Lieutenant
| William Anderson, Ensign
| Daniel Daniston, Sergeant
| Sam Hogshead
| John Hogshead
| Will Hogshead
| Dan. McAnear
| Math. Edmeston
| John Finley
| Walter Trimble
| John Francis
| Robert Ralston
| John Young
| Alex. Blair
| Alex. Craig
| Thomas Gillespy
| And. Erwine
| Benj. Erwine
| John Erwine
| Edw. Erwine
| John Trimble
| James Trimble
| Rob. Moffett
| James Wright
| Rob. King
| Jam. Armstrong
| John Pattison
| Jas. Lesley
| Felix Kanady
| Thomas Gordon
| And. Mitchell
| Jas. Robertson
| Gabrl. Pickins
| Rob. Leeper
| Sam. Moore
| John Miller
| James Miller
| Patr. Quine
| Mat. Armstrong
| John Ramsey
| Dan. Daniston
| Sam Northward
| Rob. Renick
| John Archer
| Sampn. Archer
| Jam.'s Sayers
| Thos. McCulough
| George Anderson
| John Anderson
| Rob. Poage
| Rob. Patterson
| Jas. Craford
| Will Baskins.
| Capt. John Buchanan's List
| John Buchanan, Captain
| Will Evins, Lieutenant
| Josef Catton, Ensign
| John Mitchell, Sergeant
| Joseph Kanada
| James Cooke
| Charles Donocho
| Solo Moffett
| Jas. Sunderlin
| Will Sayers
| John Dyche
| Rob. Catton
| Charles Gamble
| Sam Walker
| Alex. Walker
| John Walker
| Joseph Walker
| Cha. Hays
| And. Martin
| John Edmoston
| Jas. Robinson
| Ths. Duchart
| Will Quinn
| Thomas Williams
| Jab Anderson
| Joh Anderson
| James Anderson
| Isaac Anderson
| And. Hays
| John McCroserce
| Will Buchanan
| Rich. Courser
| Sam Dunlap
| Will Lonchrage
| Rob. Dunlap
| Jams Ecken
| Will McCantes
| John Moor
| Will Moor
| David Moor
| Alex. Moor
| And. Moor
| Will Mitchel
| Nathn. Evins
| John Stephenson
| James Eken
| Jas. Greenlee
| John Paul
| Mat. Lyle
| Joh. Gray
| Ths. McSpedan
| Joh. Mathews
| Will Armstrong
| Rob. Huddon
| Will Hall
| Sam. Gray
| Isaac Taylor
| Michael O'Docherty
| Sam McClewer
| Edw. Boyle
| Will Humphrey
| Nathn. McClewer
| John Philip Weaver
| Capt. James Cathey's List
| James Cathey, Captain
| John Given
| John Case
| Andr. Case
| Will Brown
| David Logan
| John Case
| Sam Case
| Thos. Stephenson
| David Stephenson
| John McClewer
| Joseph Hanna
| John Frame
| Hugh Camble
| Michel Dickey
| Nichel Leeper
| Sam Hues
| Rob. Craig
| Wm. Monson
| William Johston
| James Givens
| David Nelson
| Rob. Koney
| James Fowler
| Edw. Givens
| James Case
| George Anderson
| Nathan Underwood
| George Anderson
| James Scott
| Andr. Cathey
| Francis Raley
| John McCown
| John King
| Robert Joweter
| Rob Brown
| Rob. McDowell
| Wm. Hains
| James Allan
| Jams. Chambers
| Sam Givens
| Thos. Lander (Lauder)
| Archabel Hamilton
| Capt. John Christian's List
| John Christian, Captain
| William Christian, Lieutenant
| Fran Betty, Ensign
| Jhn. Holms
| Josep Read
| Finley McClewr
| George Camble
| George Caldwell
| Wm. Caldwell
| Alex. Thompson
| Jas. Caldwell
| Isaac McCulough
| Jas. Armstrong
| Wm. Armstrong
| Thos. Henderson
| Wm. Henderson
| Rob Conigham
| Wm. Conigham
| Thos. Black
| Wm. Johnston
| Joh Davison
| And. Cowin
| Jas. Moody
| Jas. Willson
| Niol. Leeper
| Jno. Turk
| Wm. Adams
| David Mitchel
| Rob. Ramsey
| George
| Breakinsed
| John Mitchel
| Jas. Fulton
| John Fulton
| John Brownlee
| Chas. Camble
| Jas. Camble
| Will Camble
| Jno. Buchanan
| Nathan McClewer
| Jas. Robinson
| Antho Black
| Will Long
| Thos. Bell
| Jas. Bell
| Jno. Black
| Wm. Robinson
| Thos. Shields
| And. McCord
| Thos. Beans
| Arth. Hamilton
| And. Scott
| John Maxwell
| Pat. Barney
| Alex. Brackinsedg
| Rob. Brackinsedg
| James Brackinsedg
| _____ McCoulough
| Jas. Miler
| Rob. McClenachan
| Jno. Doacke
| Sam Doacke
| Patt Hayes
| And. Boyd
| Jas. Black
| Alex. Fordice
| David Steel
| Moses Thompson
| John Thompson
| And. Russell
| Rand
| McDonel
| Hug Martine
| Joh Robinson
| Jas. Beans
| Rob. Alexander
| Ths. Lewis.
| Capt. Peter Shoull's List
| Peter Shoull, Captain
| And. Burd, Lieutenant
| Math. Skeens, Ensign
| Abram Harden
| John Hill
| Johnath Burley
| John
| Harison
| Georg. Clemens
| Wm. Halimes
| Zebulun Harrison
| Jno. Davis
| Jno. Taylor
| Joseph Burley
| William White
| Isaac Lotos
| Wm. Sherral
| Valante Severe
| John Cumberland
| Jacob Jacobs
| Thos. Moor
| Stephanes
| Haveworth
| Jas. Haveworth
| John Beeson
| Steph. Howard
| Absolom
| Howard
| Joseph Howard
| John Benson
| Benj. Hames (Haines)
| John Harrison
| Thos. Lowker
| Griffiths Thomas
| John White
| Adam Sherral
| Rob. Caldwal
| John Miller
| Will Brizes (Briges)
| Wm. Carrel
| John Hodg
| Absolom
| Haveworth
| John Haveworth.
| Capt. James Gill's List
| James Gill, Captain
| John Dobbin, Lieutenant
| Wm. Sharrel
| Bons Harding
| Wm. Welling
| John Johnson
| John Wilkins
| George Furbush
| Barnabee McHenery
| Rick Dictum
| Dan Murley
| Nicola Brock
| Martin Shoemaker
| John Howlain
| And. Holman
| George Legler
| Joseph Dunham
| Timothy Taylor
| George Willes
| Sam Brown
| John Cumberland
| Sam Beason
| James Spencer
| Wm. Prickett
| Wm. Hall
| Wm. McClain
| Michael Brock
| Thos. West
| Wm. Sames
| Cornelius Murley
| Nicol Cain
| Henery Brock
| John Fisher
| Thos. Wilkins
| Joseph Harding
| John Ryal
| Abram Dunblederey
| Riley Moor
| Fraderich Brock
| John McClairn
| William Sharrle, Sr.
| William Sharrle, Jr.
| Capt. John Willson's Lists
| John Wilson, Captain
| Sam Calehison
| Nathan Lusk
| John Shields
| John Greer
| John Patterson
| George Davison
| John Hunter
| Wm. Hunter
| James Hunter
| John Rusk
| James Clark
| Wm. Vance
| Rob Croket
| John Trumble
| Wm. King
| Sa. Walace
| John Spear
| Thomas Peery
| Alex. McConnel
| Rob. Young
| James Young
| Jacob Lockard
| Patt. Cook
| James Lockard
| William McCutcheon
| James McCutcheon
| Rob. McCutcheon
| Alex. Crocket
| Wm. Camble
| Nathl. Davis
| James Philip
| John Barclay
| James Lusk
| James Trumble
| Benj. Walker
| Wm. Leadgerwood
| Morris Offral
| Rob Davies
| John Brown
| Wm. McClantok
| Wm. Johnson
| John Young
| Hugh Young
| Thos. Kirkpatrick
| David Camble
| John McCutcheon.
| Capt. George Robinson's List
| George Robinson, Captain
| James McFeron, Lieutenant
| Pat. Shirky, Ensign
| James Ranfro, Sergeant
| Dan Manaughan
| Mark Coal
| Peter Ranfro
| George Draper
| Rob Roland
| Edw. Smith
| Fran Kelly
| And. Ganghagall
| Henry Stiles
| Hen Philip
| Thomas Rindel
| Thomas Looney
| Rob Looney
| Dan Looney
| Adam Looney
| Mark Joans
| John Askins
| John Flower
| James Coal
| Bryan Cass
| Cornel Dougherty
| Wm. Acres
| Tasker Tosh
| Hen Brown
| Sam Brown
| James Burk
| Wm. Bean
| _____Evins
| Sam Martin
| Peter Kinder
| Stephen Evins
| Peter Watkins
| Stephen Ranfro
| Benj. Davis
| Wm. Clark
| Wm. Shepherd
| Benj. Deeson
| John Smith
| Hugh Coruthers
| Wm. Bradshay
| John Coal
| Wm. Craven
| Simon Acres
| Nicol Horseford
| _____ Meason.
| Capt. John McDowell's List
| John McDowell, Captain
| James McDowell
| Ephraim McDowell
| David Breeden
| Alex. McClewer
| John McClewer
| Halbert McClewer
| Sam McRoberts
| Thomas Taylor
| John McKnab
| And. McKnab
| Thos. Whiteside
| Malco Whiteside
| John Aleson
| David Bires
| Alex. McClure
| Moses McClure
| John Gray
| Patt McKnabb
| Wm. Hall
| John Miless
| Wm. Miles.
| James Hardiman
| Charles Quail
| Wm. Wood
| Hen. Kirkham
| Gilbert Gamble
| James Gamble
| Rob. Young
| Math. Young
| _____ Long
| _____ Long
| James More
| Hugh Cunigham
| James Cunigham
| John Cares
| Frances McCowan
| Hum. Beaker
| John Peter Salley
| Mitch. Miller
| Loromor Mason
| John Matthews
| John Cosier
| Irwin Patterson
| Edward Patterson
| Joseph Finney
| Michael Finney
| Sam Wood
| Rich. Wood
| Joseph Lapsley. |