Image:Jan024 -- N.Z. Jubilee Parade.jpg

Image Information
New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand
Stephen Boothby White1848 - 1914

Print of a professional 5x7 photograph from Aunt Janet Hume. It is labeled "Jubilee Celebration 1897 Procession in Devon St" and includes S B White's store on the right hand side of the street. Based upon the above information, it may have been taken by G H White. This photograph was taken in New Plymouth where he was working as a photographer during this time.

Another copy of the same image can be viewed at Puke Ariki - Jubilee celebration 1897 in New Plymouth

Note that both images have damage to the top left corner. The damage must have been on the original negative or plate.

The blurring in the same area appears to be waving pennants strung across the street.

Was the photographer located on a pole? The wires to the pole across the street radiate from directly above the photographer's location. The line holding the pennants may also have been secured to this pole.

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