Source:Waterboro, York, Maine, United States. Proprietors' Records, 1780-1790, from Waterboro and Coxhall

Source Proprietors' records, 1780-1790, from Waterboro and Coxhall
Author Waterboro (Maine). Proprietors' Clerk
Place Waterboro, York, Maine, United States
Lyman, York, Maine, United States
Year range 1780 - 1790
Subject Deed/Land records, Institutional records
Publication information
Type Government / Church records
Place issued Waterboro, Maine
Waterboro (Maine). Proprietors' Clerk. Proprietors' records, 1780-1790, from Waterboro and Coxhall. (Waterboro, Maine).
Family History Center history center

Usage Tips

Original records at Alfred, Maine. Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1953. Microfilm may be ordered through the nearest Family History Center.

Includes minutes of meetings and land records from Waterboro and Coxhall (later Lyman).

FHL film numbers

  • 12324