Source:Moran, John. Searching the Records : Begins with the General Assembly of 1828-9, at Vandalia, Illinois

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Source Searching the records : begins with the General Assembly of 1828-9, at Vandalia, Illinois
that year Macoupin County got government life : from this time to the end of the year 1869 the records have been searched for the truth of this book : this covers the construction of the three court houses
Author Moran, John
Place Macoupin, Illinois, United States
Subject History
Publication information
Publisher State Register Press
Date issued 1897
Place issued Springfield, Ill.
Moran, John. Searching the records : begins with the General Assembly of 1828-9, at Vandalia, Illinois: that year Macoupin County got government life : from this time to the end of the year 1869 the records have been searched for the truth of this book : this covers the construction of the three court houses. (Springfield, Ill.: State Register Press, 1897).
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