Source:Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States. J.H. Bryson's Lancaster Directory for 1843

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Source J.H. Bryson's Lancaster directory for 1843
containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and residences, also a list of the streets, lanes, alleys, etc., city officers, public institutions, and banks, besides other useful information
Place Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Subject Directory records
Publication information
Publisher James H. Bryson
Date issued 1843
Place issued Lancaster, Pa.
J.H. Bryson's Lancaster directory for 1843: containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and residences, also a list of the streets, lanes, alleys, etc., city officers, public institutions, and banks, besides other useful information. (Lancaster, Pa.: James H. Bryson, 1843).
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