Place:Buchanan, Missouri, United States

source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Buchanan County is located in the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2020 United States Census, the population was 84,793. Its county seat is St. Joseph. When originally formed in 1838, the county was named Roberts County, after settler Hiram Roberts. It was renamed in 1839 for James Buchanan, then a U.S. Senator and later President of the United States. The county was formed from land annexed to Missouri, as were five other counties.

Buchanan County is included in the Kansas City CSA.



Date Event Source
1838 County formed Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1839 Court records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1839 Land records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1839 Marriage records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1839 Probate records recorded Source:Red Book: American State, County, and Town Sources
1840 First census Source:Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790-1990
1850 No significant boundary changes after this year Source:Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790-1990

Population History

source: Source:Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790-1990
Census Year Population
1840 6,237
1850 12,975
1860 23,861
1870 35,109
1880 49,792
1890 70,100
1900 121,838
1910 93,020
1920 93,684
1930 98,633
1940 94,067
1950 96,826
1960 90,581
1970 86,915
1980 87,888
1990 83,083


Cemeteries of Buchanan County, Missouri, United States

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