Image:Samuel Vassall (1586-1667).jpg


In 1766, Samuel Vassall’s great grandnephew, Florentius Vassall, erected a monument in his memory in King's Chapel, Boston, Mass., on which is inscribed the following:

Sacred to the Memory of SAMUEL VASSALL Esq. of London Merchant one of the original proprietors of the lands of this Country a steady and undaunted assertor of the Liberties of ENGLAND. In 1628 he was the first who boldly refused to submit to the Tax of Tonnage and Poundage an unconstitutional claim of the Crown arbitrarily imposed For which (to the ruin of his family) his goods were seized and his person imprisoned by the Star Chamber Court. He was chosen to represent the City of LONDON in two successive Parliaments, which met Apr. 13 & Nov. 3 1640. The Parliament in July 1641 voted him £10,445 12S. 2d. for his Damages, and resolved that he should be further considered [Second panel] for his personal Sufferings; But the rage of the times & neglect of proper applications since, have left to his family only the honour of that Vote and Resolution. He was one of the largest Subscribers to raise money against the Rebels in IRELAND: all these facts may be seen in the Journals of the House of Commons. He was the Son of the gallant JOHN VASSALL who in 1588 at his own expense, fitted out & commanded two Ships of War with which he joined the Royal Navy to oppose The SPANISH ARMADA.

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