Place talk:Romania


For the WeRelate:Place review

The following historical places of Austria are now located in Romania
Place:Banat, Austria + 156 contained places (some Hungary & Serbia)
Place:Bukowina, Austria + 68 contained places, some Ukraine
Place:Siebenbürgen, Austria; contained places already merged

--Bgwiehle 21:01, 19 October 2007 (EDT)

The following historical places of Hungary are now entirely located in Romania (1920); contained places already merged
Place:Alsó-Fehér, Hungary
Place:Beszterce-Naszód, Hungary
Place:Brassó, Hungary
Place:Csik, Hungary
Place:Fogaras, Hungary
Place:Háromszék, Hungary
Place:Hunyad, Hungary
Place:Kis-Küküllő, Hungary
Place:Kolozs, Hungary
Place:Maros-Torda, Hungary
Place:Nagy-Küküllő, Hungary
Place:Szeben, Hungary
Place:Szilágy, Hungary
Place:Szolnok-Doboka, Hungary
Place:Torda-Aranyos, Hungary
Place:Udvarhely, Hungary

The following historical places of Hungary are also now partially located in Romania (1920)
Place:Arad, Hungary + 19 contained places, some Hungary
Place:Bihar, Hungary + 65 contained places, some Hungary
Place:Csanád, Hungary + 36 contained places, some Hungary
Place:Krassó-Szörény, Hungary + 31 contained places (all Romania)
Place:Máramaros, Hungary + 3 contained places, some Ukraine
Place:Szatmár, Hungary + 93 contained places, some Hungary
Place:Temes, Hungary + 55 contained places, some Serbia and Montenegro
Place:Torontál, Hungary + 64 contained places, some Serbia and Montenegro or Hungary
Place:Ugocsa, Hungary + 1 contained places, some Ukraine

--Bgwiehle 13:53, 28 October 2007 (EDT)