Place:Mayfield/Ferguson Cemetery, Lawrence, Indiana, United States


NameMayfield/Ferguson Cemetery
Located inLawrence, Indiana, United States

Find-A-Grave Link

Find-A-Grave Link: Mayfield/Ferguson Cemetery, Lawrence County, Indiana


Directions: Mayfield/Ferguson Cemetery:
From Bedford, take H-37 north past Oolitic and turn left or west at the Avoca Exit onto State H-54 & 58, go through Avoca and Springville on H-54 & 58 for 5.2 miles. Just west of Springville where H-54 & 58 splits, take H-58 for 2.0 miles and turn left or south on to the Armstrong Station Road, go l.8 miles until you come into a tee, then turn right or west and go .7 of a mile, turn left or south and go on a narrow blacktop road for 0.4 of a mile and the cemetery is on the left. All the roads are blacktopped.