Data. Franklin County, 1786 Tax List



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McCauley, IH, 1878. Historical sketch of Franklin County, Pennsylvania.


Caution: Orignal transcription at Archive.Org is subject to making transcription errors. These have been partially cleaned up as time permits, and where the error can be easily recognized and corrected, but numerous transcription errors remain.
Note that the source for this tax list gives the entries in alphabetical order. This is probably the order given in the original, but in anycase, no significance should be attached to the order of names given below. (ie, adjacent persons may or may not have lived close to each other.
Note, also that some townships are duplicated in the original. These duplications have been preserved here, as they may indicate problems with the transcriptions.


In Antrim township with its present Boundaries including the town of Greencastle
Name By-Name/Title
John Allison
William Allison
William Adams
John Allan
Samuel Archer
Robert AmlnuseDr.
Conrad Burner
Widow Bee
Hugh Barkley
James Borland
James Brotherton
Wm. Berryhill
Wm. Burk
Jacob Brumbaugh
George Brown
Jacob Bair
Wm. Beaty
Fred'k Byars Sr.
Fred'k Byars Jr.
Conrad Bush,Vames Brown
George Bartlebaugh
John Beatty
Henry Beast
Christ. Brandibarger
Jacob Brunk
Joseph Crunkelton
Hugh Curathers
John Crunkelton
Robt. Crunkelton, Sr.
Robert Crunkelton. Jr.
Sam'l Crunkelton
Wm. Cross
James Cross
George Clark
Thos. Clugston
Gabriel Carpenter
Joseph Cook
Peter Coon
Christopher Creamer
James Crawford
Charles Cox
Robert Cooper
Michael Carey
Wm. Callahan
Leonard Crowbarger
Robert Clugston
John Downey
AVni. Downey
Sam'l Downey
Alex. Drybrough
Robt. Davison
Elias Davison
Dr. John Davison
John Davison
Joseph Davis
John Davis(tailor)
Sam'l Duglas
James Dixon
Thos. Duglas
Wm. Downey
Abm. Derush
John Dusingberry
Adam Dickey
George Eldrich
Peter Elie
Cutlip Evert
Wm. Evert
John Erwin
George Eaker
Wm. Eaker
Abm. Elie
Humphrey Fullerton
Fred'k Fisher
Conrad Fisher
Nich. Frye
Jas. Fleck
John Foy
^nenry Gordon,
George Gordon
Alex. Gordon
Hugh Gaff
Abm. Gabriel
Richard Gabriel
John Gay
Jolm Gibson
John Gibson(creek)
John Grindle
Jacob Gallady
Abm. Gansinger
John Greer(mason)
Robt. Gibson
Dan'l Ilnolies
Jrveol) Harslibergcr
Widow Hanna
Widow Hart
Abm. Hull(black smith)
John Heaflcy(merchant)
Francis Hiln-ick
Saml Hntcliison.
Wm. Henderson(merchant)
John Haugh(tailor.)
Thos. Hutson
Henry Hoover.
Nich. Hewit
David Howell, (tobacconist)
Henderson k Wilkin
Jas. Johnston
John Johnston
Thos. Johnston, Esq.
Dr. Robt. Johnston
Wm. Johnston
Robert Johnston
And'w Jack
Crissly King
John Keer(weaver)
John Kirk
John Kennedy
Fred'k Kycher
Wm. Kiers
James Lang Rev'd
Matthew Linn td>Rev'd
John Lawrence(merchant and inn keeper)
Ricli'd Laurence(gunsmith.)
Robt. Linn(tailor.)
James Long
David Long
Mich'l Lowman
Jacob Lowman
George Lowman
David Larimore
Joseph Lowrey
Evans Lewis
John Lowman
Jacob Leisure
Dan'l Lane
Dan'l Linbaugh(tailor.)
AVm. M'Kee
Robert M'Culloch(merchant.)
Sam'l M'Culloch
Jacob Millar
James Moor
John Millar
Dan'l Millar
Henry Millar
Jas. M' Bride
John M'Laiighlin
Dan'l Mowan
Ludwiek Mowan
Patrick M'Entyre
Mary Michal(wid.)
James M'Lene
Dan'l M'Lene
Rich'd M'Lene
Hugh M'Kee
Jas. M'Roberts
Jas M'Cormick
John M'Cormick
Jas. M'Clenahan
Widow M'Clenahan
Wm. M'Clellan
Robt. M'Clellan
Jas. M'Kelley
Alex. M'Cleary
Sam'l Moor
John Marshal
Pat. Maxwell
Jas. M'Entyre
Stephen MoAvan
Baltsher Mowan
Morris M'Graw
Leigh Masters
Henry Morrow(cooper)
Dan'l M'Can
Jas. M'Clain
Henry Millar
Hance Miller, Jr.
John Mares
Lazarus M'Lean
John Xj-e, Sr.
John Xye, Jr.
Wm. Neal
Wm. Nesbit
Cutlip Xuts(hatter)
Thos. Prather(innkeeper)
Abm. Prather(blacksmith)
Christ Piper
John Porter
Joseph Paton
Robt. Paton
Henry Pawling
Jas. Poe
John Packman(cooper)
Felty Pachel(hatter)
Jacob Packsler
John Piper
Felty Preman
Peter Poorman(blacksmith)
John Paton(miller)
Andrew Robison
James Roberts
James Rea
John Rinch
Wm. Rankin
Jalnes Roddy
And'w Reed
John Rule
Mat. Ryburn
Peter Remer(shoemaker)
John Rodeman(shoemaker)
John Rodgers
George Rumble(blacksmith)
Wm. Reany
Wm. Rankin
Eml. Stotlar
Aln-aham Smith
John Scott
Wm. Scott
John Stoonkine
Jacob Stotler
John Stotler
Sam'l Smith
David Snider(sadler)
Dr. Hemy Snivel}'
Jacob Sayler
Patrick Sangerson
And'w Snivel}'
Jos. Snively
Sam'l Stotler(miller)
Henry Sights
Crisley Snively
Henry Snively
Dr. Geo. Stover
Gasper Stotler
Wm. Stover, Jr.
Jacob Stover
Em'I Stover
Fred'k Summers
Henry Snively
Nich. Stuff
Henry Stall, Sr.
Peter Shenlioltz
Widow Stitt
Henry Seerist
Philip Stiftey
Geo. Sharer(blacksmith)
Ludwick Small(shoemaker)
Wm. Stever, Sr.
Wm. Scott
Moses Thomson
Robert Thomson
Ricli'd Taylor
And'w Thomson
Thos. Tecy(cooper)
John Thomson
John Weerham
Peter Wolf
George Wallace
Christ. Weidner
Jacob Weidner
John Woods
Peter Whitmore
James Watson(tanner)
Rich'd Wright
Wm. Woodman
Christopher Wise
Jas. Witherspoon(joiner)
Jas. White(weaver)
Adam Wilson
Jacob Weaver
Fred'k Wyble
Peter White
Jacob Winterbergcr
Jas. White
Alex. Young(tailor)
John Youst(wagon maker)
Jacob Zacharias(sadler.)
Freemen — Wm. Allison
Wm. Cook
Jeremiah Callahan
Jos. Crunkleton(of Jno.)
Jos. Crunkleton
Jacob Crone
Wm. Downey
Sam'l Downey
John Ervin
James Gibson
Jacob Gallady
Joseph Grubb(merchant)
Ab'm Gansinger
Sol. Hoover
Peter Hull(shoemaker)
Jas Johnson
Felty Killar
Dan'l Keek(shoemaker)
James M'Clenahan
Robert M'Clellan
Wm. M'Clellan
Sam'l Moor
Dan'l M'Clene
Thos. M'Lene
Jno. M'Closkey
William Mintooth
John M'Cleary
Jas. M'Lenahan
Hugh M'Intyre
Thos. M'Clain
George N3'e
Henry Pawling
Rob't Pattern
Abraham Prather(blacksmith)
John Rush(weaver)
James Robinson
Adam RankinDr.
Jas Richey(saddler)
Thomas Richey(joiner)
Wm. Rule
Abraham Smith
Em'I Stotter
Sam'l Stotter
Stophel Sites
Sam'l Smith
Sam'l Stover(tanner)
Henry Siecrist
Henry Strimb
Conrad Speer
Fred'k Summers
Robert Wilkens(merchant)
Cutlip Wisar
Andrew White.


In Franklin township which included the town of Chambersburg
east of the Conococheaguc creek
and some ten or more tracts of land adjoining it
By Name
Joseph Allison
George Albert
John Alexander
Owen Aston
Walter Beaty
Fred'k Bainor
Moses Barnet
John Baxter
John Brown(merchant,)
John Boggs
Rob't Bo^'d
John Burns Black
John Crouse
Wm. Davis
Moses Blackburn
Hugh Bigham
John Clark
Philip Crist
John Colhoon(merchant,)
Patrick Camjjbell(merchant,)
Edward Crawford, Esq.
Ruhamah Colhoon
George Chambers
Wms. Chambers
Benj. Chambers
Joseph Chambers
Wm. Camion
Wm. Cowen
John Caldwell
Ludwick Crauft
Dr. George Clingan
James Chambers
Alex Duncan
George Dewalt
John Dixon
Peter Eabj
Christopher FavourRev.
Edward Fitzgarald
Thomas Fergison
Hugh Gibbs
George Grisinger
Samuel Galbreath
Henry Greenwalt
John Jack
Christian Kingrey
Philip Knopp
John Kirthpatrick
John Kerr
Henry Loutzahiser
Michael Lightner
Henry Molwich
Archibald M'Afee
Daniel M'Clintock
John Martin
John M'Conkey
Wm. Morrow
Michael M'Nulty
Sam'l M'Cleland
Thos. Murry
Daniel M'Gregor
Thos. M'Clelon
Thos. M'Keen
John Noel
Christian Oyster
Sam'l Purvines(merchant,)
John Plumer
Wm. Richison
John Ra3"nolds, Esq.
John Reed
Stephen Rigler
Arch'd Reed
Hugh Reed
Wm. Stinson
Robt. Shields
Michael Sissler
George Shellitoe
David Shots
Daniel Smith
Sam'l Snodgress
Jacob Sigler
Moses Swan
Matthias Sitler
Wm. Shannon
Thos. Shannon
Wm. Smith
Nich. Snider
Benj. Swain
John Scott
John Shitts
Zacharia Sugars
Jacob Shotts
Peter Shields
George Siglar
Abraham SensenyDR.
Alex. Stuart
James Stuart
Elizabeth Thompson
Michael Trout
Wm Thorn
Jeremiah Tolbert(Talbott,)
Conrad Waggoner
Christian Wimer
Wm. AVallace
John Watts
James Welch
George Wills
Conrad Washingborger.
Fred'k Bettinger
Fred'k Benhart
Patrick Campble
Sam'l Colhoon
Thos. Clark
James Corrance
Michael Carver
James Colgan
Edward Cramer
John Devabough
Andrew Dunlap, Esq.
John Flatcher
Rich'd Henderson
John Hamel
Wm. Hailey
George Hood
Henry Houfman
Wm Johnston
John Johnston
Wm. Kenneday
Benjamin Kurtz
James Lindsay
John M'Intyre
Hugh M'Clelon
James M'Clelon
Joseph M'Clelon
Jacob M'Conke}'
Peter Millar
Jas. Morrow
Matthew M'Cowan
Martin Moody
Peter Miller
Fred'k Pleacher
Jas. Peoples
Wm. Richardson
Stephen Rigler
James Riddle, Esq.
Fred'k Reed
James Smith
Daniel Smith
Wm Smith
Alex. StuartDr.
Sam'l SmithDr.
Robert Snodgress
Thos Stevenson
Jacob Santmire
Jacob Stillinger
Filson Sadler
John Steel
Ross Thompson, Esq.
Sam'l Thompson
George Trout
Wm. Tennant
Philip Trout


In Fannet township which then included
the present townships of Fannet and Metal :
Joshua Anderson
Robt Anderson
Randle Alexander
James Ardre}'
Dan'l Armstrong
Thos. Armstrong
Robert Alexander
Xoali Abraham.
Joseph Adams
James Alexander
Robert Armstrong
Patrick Alexander
Thos. Blair
Nath'l Bryans
James Brj^ans
George Buckliannon
Allen Brown
Widow | Baxter
John Bell
Thos. Barr
Sam'l Baker
Wm. Chambers & Bros.
Sam'l Coulter
John Cami)bell
John Campbell(cropper,)
Wm. Campbell
David Canipble
John M. Campble
And'w Campble
George Climer
Wm. Carley
Jacob Chambers Callender
Patrick Davison
Daniel Duncan
Barnabas Doyle
George Delong
Felix Do^yle
Andrew Duglas
George Dixon
Edw'd Dougherty
John Elliott(heirs,)
John Elder, Jr.
Robert Elder
David Elder, Sr.
Robert Elder
David Elder, Jr.
Wm. Elder
James Elder
Sam'l Elder
Wm. Elliott
Robert Elliott
Prances Elliott
Arch'd Elliott
James Ervine
George Ealey
James Pingerly
James Fairman
Alex. Fulton
James Fegan
Sam'l French
Wm. Gwyn
Isaac Gilford
James Gibson
John Gray
Samuel Gamble
Wm. Gibbs
John Holiday
Matthew Henderson
Henry Humbre}'
Henderson Hervey
Andrew Hemphill
Thos. Hamilton
James Hervey(weaver,)
James Howe
Henry Hawkenberry, Jr.
James Hawkenberry
Philip Hutchison
Peter Hawkenberry
W"m. Hunter
Alex. Hopper
James Harvey
John Harmony
Henry Hawkenberry, Sr.
Henry Hagan
Gasper Hawkenberry
James Hunter
James Johnston
Thos. Johnston
Sam'l Ireland
John Jones
John Kenedy
Wm. Kelly
Edward Kell}'^
John Keasey
Joseph Kilgore
Robt. Kerr
Wm. Lauther, Jr.
James Lauther
Robert Little
David Long
Sam'l Lattimore
Patrick M'Cormick
Joseph Moore
James Moore, Jr.
Robt. M'Gwire
Wm. M'Intyre.
Rich'd Morrow
Sam'l Mairs
Wm. Moore
And'w Millar
Robt. M'Cormick
John M'Clure
Dan'l M'Mullan
Wm. M'Cibbens
Enos M'Mullan
James Moore, Sr.
Nathaniel M'Call
Sam'l M'Call
Robt. M'Connell
John Mackey
Widow Mackey
John M'Clellan
John M'Clellon
James M'Clatchey
James M'Connaughey
David M'Connaughey
Robert M'Clatchey
John M'Crea
Cromwell M'Cavity
Wm. M'Cain
Patrick M'Gee,
Randle M'Donnald
Hugh M'Curday
Wm. M'Clellon, Sr.
Wm. M'Clellon, Jr.
John Mullan.
John M'Clane
John Noble, Sr.
John Noble, Jr.
Joseph Noble
Charles Newcom
David Neal
James Nealy
John Nilson
Richard Neagle
Nathaniel Paul
John Pacho
Alex. Potts.
Adam Piper
Charles Querr}^
James Rea
Lodwick Ripple
Dennis Reddin
Joseph Shearer
Barnet Shutler
Elijah Sackett
Thos. Shields
Robert Sample
Joseph Sackett
John Steel
]5enj. Say
Wm. Taj'lor
John Simmons
Thos. Simmons
Henry Yarner
David Wakefield
Benj. Walker
Wm. Witherow
Sani'l Walker
James Walker
John Ward
William Warnoek
James Widne}
James Alexander
John Bnekhannon
George Chambers
Sam'l Campble
John Duglas
John Davison
Wm. Darlington
Adam Ernholt
John Elder
Gal)riel Glenn
Wm. Gallaher
Jas. Ilervey, Jr.
Wm. Hambleton
Wm. Ireland
Jeremiah Kilgore
Robert Little
xilex. Long
John M'Connanghey
John Mnllan
James Mairs
Hugh M'Clure
James M'Curda}-
James Moore
James O'Nail
Wm. Paul
John Potts
Alex. Potts
James Randies
Hugh Steel
Adam Scott
John Witherow
James Wallace
William Ward
Joseph Weaver


In Guilford township, having then about
the same boundaries as at present :
David Adams
John AndrewCapt
John Andrew, Sr.
Wm.. Adams
John Acheson
Owen Aston
David Archibald
Peter J>ondbriek
Henrj^ Bondbrick
Matthias Brothers
Wm. Brotherton
John Black
Daniel Bonbrick
George Bittinger
Robert Bigham
Daniel Bonbrick, Jr.
Fred'k Bonbrick
Nicholas Bittinger
Walter Beatty
John Beard
Jacob Cover(spring.)
Jacob Cook
John Clugston
Andrew Cover
Ezekiel Chambers
Martin Cook
Adam Cook
Joseph Coughener
James Cowningham
Jacob Cover
Edward Crawford, Jr.
Edward Crawford, Sr.
John Crawford
John Calwell
Alex. Culbertson
Henry Co^de
George Cook, Sr.
George Cook, Jr.
. John Croft
Arch'd Cashey
Jacob Coffer
Sam'l Drummon
Nicholas Earhart
Robert English
Peter Frey
Rob't Filson
John Fleck
Felty Gooshead
Matthias Gift
Adam Gift
George Gift
Wm Gass
Hugh Gil)bs
Bartholemy Haddon
John Harmony
Lodwick Harmony
Solomon Horner
John Harron
Jacob Hicks
George Helman,
Dan'l Handman
George Hartsough
Matthew Hopkins
Albright Hickman
Adam Harmony
Wm. Johnston
John Jack
George Kerriher
John Kerriher
Wm. Kirby
David Keller
And'w Kiser
Jacob Keller
Ab'm Kovel
John Lindsay
James Lindsay
Fulton Linday
George Lamb
Wm. Long
William Long(spring,)
Wm. Long(road,)
Mary Lindsay
Alex. M'Keever
John M'MuUan
Henry M'Clelon
David Martin
Jas. M'Farlin
Jas. M'Williams
J. M'Canne)
Mary M'Cormick
John Miller
James M'Caskey
Wm. Nicholas
John Polk
James Patton
Daniel Poorman
Widow Packard
Henry Ralphsnj^der
John Ranfew
Wm. Ross
John Rannels, Esq.
John Ralphsnyder
Michael Ralphsnyder
Thos. Sherlow
Nich. Snyder
Samuel Snodgress
Jacob Snyder
Gasper Slear
Henry Shitts
Peter Snyder
Philip Stumps
Adam Stumps
George Smith
Daniel Smith
Anthony Snyder
John Sheets
Fred'k Smith
Wm. Snodgress
Conrad Snyder
Matthew Sharp
John Thorn
Henry Thrallman
John Thompson
Jacob Tritle
Wm. Vinlear
Elizabeth Vance
Wm. Wallace
Martin Wingert
Rob't Willson
John Wingart
Pierce AA^allacher
Jeremiah Warder
Samuel W. Walles
Michael Whitmore
Wm. Walles
Matthew Wilson
Martin Wingart
Conrad Wolfkill
James Young.
James Andrew
John Andrew
Allen Baxter
Lennard Burkhamer
Joseph Crawford
James Druman
Robert Duncan
Jacob Hicks
Peter Harmoney
Alex. Jeffrej^s
John King
George Lamb
George Martin
James M'Cimm
Alex. M'Kinney
Adam Martin
Sam'l Ross
Peter Snyder(smith,)
Peter Smith
Henry Snyder
John Stumps
Isaac Smith
Peter Snyder
Henry Sheffer
Jacob Sheets
James Snodgrass
John Smith
Wmm^inleafpacob Wolfkill
John Wingert


In Hamilton township which then included
the present township of Hamilton, that part of Chambersburg
west of the Conoccoheague Creek and
that part of St. Thomas township east of Campbell's run :
Josiah Allen
Thos. Anderson
Wm. Archabald
Thos. Armstrong
Joseph Armstrong
Robert Anderson
Lodwick Beats
Wm. Brotherton
Jas. Brotherton
Oliver Brown
Orban Bates
Wm. Bolton
John Brown
John Buzzard
John Bratton
Thomas Barnet(heirs,)
Wm. Barnet
David Barnet
Joseph Barnet
James Brown
Thos. Barren
John Breaker
Chas. Barr
Rich'd Benson
Benj. Chambers
Wms. Chambers
Jos. Chambers
Arch'd Carson
John Chesnut
Benj. Corathers
James Campble
Patrick Campble
Robert Cowan
Thos. Copeland
John Crevin
George Carver
John Custard
Martin Criter
Robert Cook
Joseph Caskey
John Campble
James Chambers
Robert Dixon
Wm. DixonDixon's heirs
Thomas Dougherty
John Dixon
Wm. Dixon
John Deeds
John Daniel
John Eaton, Jr.
John Eaton (heirs,)
Joseph Eaton, Sr.
Joseph Eatton
Dan'l Eckels
Adam Evert
Francis Ervin
Wm. Earry
James Elliott,(heirs,)
Win Fergison
John Prush
Henry Foster
James Fergison
Sam'l Fergison
Matthew Fergison
Jacob Frush
Dan'l Flemming
Abraham Fastpointer
Robert Gray
Gilbert Graham
Francis Gardner
Joseph Grahams
Mark Gregor}'^
Felix Hart
ISTathan Hiland
Jas. Huston
John Hamilton
John Hacket
John Hindmau
James Hindman
Alex. Hill
Jas. Henr}^
Adam Hill
Jacob Holdiman
Ebenezer Henry
Robert Hoops
And'w Holms
John Hochison
Patrick Jack
Patrick Jack
Sam'l Jack
John Jack
John Jefery
Wm. Kelly
Jas. Kerr
Thos. Knox
Joseph Kirkpatrick
Wm. Kinaird
Thos. Kinkaid
John Kerr
John Kineaid
Adam Kasner
Wm. Kirby
Sam'l Ligget
Rob't Leper
Hugh Leary, Sr.
Hugh Leary, Jr.
Charles Lucans
John M'Gowan
Archb'd M'Cacharan
Jas. M'Farlin
Wm. Moorhead
Joseph Moorehead
Thos. Moorehead
Sam'l M'Cutchan
Chas. M'Cormick
Alex. M'Coy
David M'Clintock
Anthony M'Nutt
Christ. Miller
Alex. Mairs
Wm. M'Braj'er
David M'Brayer
James Moore
Sam'l Moor
And'w Marshel
Alex. M'Connal
Wm. M'Connal
John M'Lean
Wm. M'Cune
Math. M'Dowell
John W. Moor
Wm. M'Clelon
Joseph M'Murrey
Joseph M'Keymej^
Geo. Matthews
John Meek
Jas. Morton
Wm. Morrow
John Moore
Donuald M'Lean
Wm. M'Clure
Jas. Mitchell
Joseph M'Clelon
George M'Elroy
Alex. M'Cutchan
John M'Nutt
Robert Peoples
Rob't Patton
Sam'l Patton
Henry Phillips
Jas. Patteson
Jas. Paxton
Richard Peters
Robert Pilson
Jas. Piper
And'w Paxton
Wm. Richardson
Wm. Rannels
Thos. Ramsey
Wm. Ramsey
David Russel
James Rnssel
James Rea
Francis Robinson
Thos. Sherley
William Stuart
David Shields
Wm. Swan
Joseph Swan
Rob't Sloan
Leonard Stands
Rob't Sherley
William Stewart
Edw'd Shippey
Rob't Scott
Jas. Thorn
Wm. Temple^on
Joseph Thorn
Wm. Thompson
George Thompson
Wm. Thompson
Sam'l Thompson
John Thompson
John Tayler
Rob't Thompson
Thos. Tennent
Jeremiah Talbott
Jas. Warder
Wm. Withuej
John Willson
Elliott Williamson
Thos. Willson
John Wilkison
Wm. Witherow
Michael Willans
Andrew Walker
Conrad Yearman.
Philip Ashford
David Barnet
Joseph Barnet
Conrad Beats
Peter Braker
Henry Buzzard
Thomas Chestnut
Wm. Coplan
James Dougherty
John Edwards
James Glen
Wm. Hustan
Alex. Hill
Fergus Hill
— Grannan,
Benj. Jefferies
John Liget
Wm. Moorhead
Dan'l M'Clintocky
Jas. M'Kimm
David Moore
Hugh Murriartie
John Meek
David M'Roberts
Francis M'Minnon
Reese M'Thompson
Henry Omble
John Phillips
Henry Phillips
Hector Peoples
Andrew Paxton
John Quinn
John Ptamsey
Benj. Ramse}
Josejjh Russell
Wm. Seekets
John Thompson
Robert Yertue
John Walkison


In Letterkenny township which then embraced
the present townships of Letterkenny and Greene :
Alex. Allison
And'w Allison
Rob't Allison
Hugh Allison
Jas. Allison
Jas. Anderson
Adam Break
Christley Brake
George Basor
Adam Burkholder
Peter Basor
Rob't Brotherton
Wm. Bell, Sr.
Wm. Bell, Jr.
Peter Barnhart
Adam Burkholder, Jr.
Matthias Booker
Jacob Barickstrasser
John Barr
Matthias Brindlej^
John Beard, Sr.
John Baker
James Boj'd
Andrew Beard
Wm. Beard, Jr.
John Beard, Jr.
Wm. Beard, Jr.
John Blair
John S. Beattj-
Thos. Boyd
Hugh Caldwell(weaver,)
Michael Crowberger
Robert Caldwell
James Caldwell
John Caldwell
Stephen Caldwell
John Colsmith
John Cramer
Alex. Culbertson
Adam Castle
Sam'L Culbertson
Capt. Joseph Culbertson
Robert Culbertson
John Craig
Jas. Caldwell, Sr.
Jas. Cunningham
Charles Cummins
Jas. Clark
Joseph Clark
Robt. Cochran
Sam'l Cochran
Widow Cochran
Sam'l Culbertson, Sr.
Jas. Culbertson
Sam'l Culbertson(creek,)
John Craighead
John CulbertsonRev.
John Cessna
Wm. Cessna
Josias Crawford
William Crawford(heirs,)
Christy Dice
John Dunlap
Wm. Davis
George Eaby
Jas. Endslow
George Earh^
Jas. Elliott(heirs,)
James Findlej, Esq.
John Findley
John Fergison
Jas. Gilleland
Jas. Gibson
Jeremiah Galvin
Henry Gruver
John Gant
Wm. Gibson
Ruben Gilaspy
George Grove
John Gra}
Abm. Grove
Abm. Grove, Jr.
Christl}^ Grove
George Handspike
Philip Homel
John Henderson
Jas. Henderson
Peter Hoover
John Hoover
Sam'l Henry
Ludwick Houser
Mike Havlin
John Imble
Paul Imble
Thos. Jackson
Robt. Jacky (heirs,)
Sam'l Jordan
David Jordan
John Johnston
Philip Keeser
Michael Kunole
John Kithcart
James Kelly
Wm. Kithpatrick
John Laffery
John Lindsay
John Lunders
Sam'l Lindsay
Conrad Loward
Robert Long
Jas. Lockard,.
Jeremiah Lougher}^
Widow Lutes
Jas. M'Connel
Robert McConnel
Jas. Matthews
James M'Cammont
Jas. Moor(weaver,)
John Machan, Jr.
John Machan, Sr.
Robt. Mitchel
Jas. Michel(Less.)
Robert Machan
John Myers
John M'Cammont
Joseph Mitchel
Cutlip Maugh
Robert M'Cammy
John M'Cammy
Alex. M'Keen
Nath. Mitchal
Jesse Mitchel
John Neaves
Wm. Nicholson
Sam'l Nantier
Jacob Neaves
John Nilson, Sr.
John Nillson, Jr.
Leonard Fowinger
Jas. Pattersou
Nicholas PattersonCapt.
Thos. Porter
Alex. Robison,
Wm. Robison
John Richey
Henry Rail
Wm. Rail
Jas. Reed
Darby Runy
Jacob R3^ard
George Radibuch
John Robison
Wm. Ra}
Sam'l Ra}, Sr.
Christley Raisor
Abm. Reasor
Sam'l Reed
Jas. Stuart
George Stinger
Fredk Stump
Wm. Sharj), Jr.
Wm. Sharp(heirs,)
Wintle Schirck
Henry Shearery
Charles Stuart
Fredk Stake
Moses Scott
Francis Sanderson
Joseph Stevinson
Adam Smith
Wm. Sharp, Sr.
Joseph Shirk
Matthew Shields
Matthew Sharp
Robert Shields
Hannah Sharp
George Snearly
Valentine Spangler
Jas. Tom
Albert Torrence
Henry Toops
Andrew Taylor
Wm. Torrance
Hugh. Torrance
Alex. Thompson
David Trooph
John Ward
Mary AV^ear}(widow.)
Jas. Willson
Martin Winger
Wm. Wadill
Conrad Wolf
Andw Willson
Postle Weight
Hugh Wiley(blacksmith.)
Hugh Wiley Capt
Thomas Wallace
Joseph. Whitmere
Jas. Walker
William Weir
Oliver Wallace, Rev
Sam'l Wilson
Jacob Yos. Freemen.
Charles Allison
James Allison
Robert Brotherton
John Butcher
John Brown
Adam Burkholder
Sam'l Culbertson
Christian Counts
David Cowan
Joseph Caldwell
Thos. Clark
John Clark
Hugh Fergison
John Findley
Ga15riel Gordon
Sam'l Henny
Daniel Lavery
John Lindsey
Thos. Lindsay
Balsar Lower
Joseph Mitchel
James McCammont
John M'Camey
Sam'l Nicholson
Thos. Patterson
Isaac Parker
Thos. Porter
George Pacer
John Reed
Wm. Reed
John Rea
Andrew Russell
Sam'l Rea(tanner,)
Moses Scott(schoolmaster,)
Wm. Shiphan,
Wm. Stinger
Albert Torrance
Thos. Wear
John Ward


In Lurgan township having the same boundaries as at present :
Benj Alsworth
Peter Alport
Thos. Barr
Christopher Bower
Jas Cummins
John Campbell
Wm. Crossman
John Crookshanks
George Cripaugh
Michael Cripaugh
Andrew Picke}
Kobt. Donovan
James Dunlap, Esq.
Philip Foust
Francis Grimes
John Grimes
Wm. Gaston
David Harron
Fredk Iless
Philip Hollinger
Henry Humbrey
Wm. Hunter
Margaret Hemphill
John Johnston
Arch. Johnston
John Knox^
Henry Millar
Wm. Linn
Lodwick Long
Joseph M'Kibben
Arch. Mahan
Robert Miller
John Maclay, Esq
Charles Maclay, Jr.
James M'Kee
Alex. M'Cammont
Charles Machiy
Ivobt. Morrow
Robt. M'Kane
Gawin Morrow
Sarah M'Cormick(widow,)
Isaac Millar
Lettice M'Kibbens(widow,)
Andrew M'Ferran
Wra. M'Call
Wm. M'Knight
John ]M'Knight, Jr.
Wm. M'Combs
Barnabas M'Laughlin
Andw. Murphy
Thos. M'Combs
Charles M'Granahan
Henry Mahan
.John Maclay
John M'Call
James Patterson
Thos. Pumroy
James Reid
Peter Ratts
Joseph Reed
Giles Reed
John Strain
Abel Seyoc
Harmon Shoeman
Thos Snodgress
Barnhart Sower
Anthony Shoemaker
Andrew Suber
John Shoe^iian
Peter Sheerer
John Seyoc
George Stevenson
John Snider
Wm. Turner
John Thompson
John White
Abraham Weir
Sam'l Woodrow
George Wright
John Watson
George Winsel.
Michael Brady
Wm. Bradie}'
Dennis Centery
John Emer^^
James Gaston
Robert Huston
Joseph Kjde
George Martin
David Maclay
James M'Rorey
Joseph M'Kane
Wm. MagaAV
Jacob Porter
Thos. Reed
Andrew Ralston
John Shoeman
Philip Shoeman
Simon Shoeman
James Trimble
Sam'l Walker
George Weir


In Montgomery township which had the same boundaries as at present :
Oliver Anderson
Ann Anderson
George Brown
Sarah Drown
David Brown, Jr.
David Brown, Sr.
Robert Baird
Jonathan Burgis
Joseph Bogal
Abraham Bulman
Thomas Ci-Uars
James Crawford, Sr.
Matthew Campble
George Clark
Matthias Crow
Henry Cow
Jacob Cow
John Campbell
George Crawford
David Collins
John Cunningham
Andrew Clinesmith
James Crawford, Jr.
George Cnst
William Dunwoody
Capt. Philip Davis
Wm. Duffield(weaver,) Philip Davis
Wm. Dufiield, Sr,
Wm. Davidson
Catharine Davis
James Davis
Stephen Doyle
Andrew Dixorij
Jol}^ Davis
James Davison
James DoUgllerty
Samuel Davis
William Dufiield, Jr,
Davis Dea
Thos Edmistou
George. Elliott'
Bc«j Eliot
Johnston Eliot
Hugh Foster
Andrew Flanigan
Charles Foster
Andrew Fryherger.
Balsor Gull
John Guin
Jaco b Gons
John Gillis
Sam'l Gilaspy
Jacob Good
Robert Gor
Peter Good Hon^
Nath'l Green
David Huston
David Ilumphre}'
John Hues
Adam Hardmau
John Hair
James Huston
Archibald Irwin
Kobt. Johnston
John Kenned}-
David Kennedy
Peter Horkey
Thos. Kenedy
Sam'l Kyle
Robert Kyle
James Kjde
Elisha Lewis
Adam Long
Courade Long
Andrew Long
Jacob Lear
Robert Lee
Catharine Long
Wm. Lamond
James Lamond
Alex. Lamond
John Lough
Wm. Lowry
John Lamond
Andrew Lewiston
Thos. Lucus
Hugh Long
John Long
James Maxwell, Esq.
Wm. M'Coy
James M'Coy
Francis Mears
John M'Clelland Capt.
Alex. Miller
Joseph Miller
James Miller
Sam'l M'Cune
Traxler Means
Wm. Morrison
Thos. M'Pherrin Rev.
Fergus Moorhead
Andrew Mease
Wm. Meanoch
John M'Faul
James M'Farlin
Edward Mannon
John M'Carrol
Wm. Marshal
Alex. Martin
Patrick M'CoUaugh
Andw. Morrison
Robt. Martin
Robt. M'Ke}^
David Meek
Patrick Maxwell
James Moore
Robert M'Cavin,
James Morrow
Rebecca M'CamrQish
John M'Donald
George M'Cullough
Sam'l Martin
Wm. Martin
Patrick M'iS^eal
John Martin
James M'Clain
Wm. M'Cune
George M'Callan
Wm. Newell
John Orbison
John Parkhill
George Posterbaugh
George Prits
Joseph Price
Henr^^ Plyly
James Ramsey
Joseph Rench
John Rench
Fred'k. Reaver
James Ross
Jacob Rush
James Rankin, Jr.
James Rankin, Sr.
Wm. Rankin
Jeremiah Rankin
John Rush
James. Robertson
Widow Reed
James Roddy
Cams Starret
John Shannon
Sam'l Scott
Sam'l Smith
Paul Shearer
John Shinifield
John Shearer
Peter Shearer
Robert Smith
Wm. Scott
John Scott
Henrj Stall
Daniel Stutsman
John Smith
John Starret
William Smith, Capt.
Joseph Shannon
James Scott,
Henry Snider
John Stull
Widow Shannon
Rev. Robert Smith
James Stewart
Peter Trough
Peter Trough, Jr.
John Tilling
George linger
Conrad Unger
Joseph Yanleer
Jane White(widow.)
Matthew White
James Wra}
Alex. Wilson
Peter Whitesides
Owens Williams
John Work
Daniel Wray
John Wra}
Alex. Wray.
John Brown
Thos. Clanej
John Collins
John Davis
John Darley
James Davison
Wm. Davis
George 3i^llot
David Ileiiclerson
Wm. Ilarwaj^
Jas. Innis
Jas. Irwin
Jas. Kelly
Beiij. Longhead
Wni. M'Donald
James Mays
James Maxwell, Esq.
llngli M'Kilop
Matthew Martin
Walter Maxwell
Peter Prough
Henry Pantlier
James Pteed
James ^myley
Sam'l Smith
Josei)h Shannon
John Uliing
Joseph Vinlear
Robert Wray


In Peters township which then embraced the
present township of Peters, and that part of St. Thomas township west of Campbell's run
Thomas Adams
Robt. Anderson
Andrew Bigart
Alex Brown
Sam'l Bigart
John Bigart
Peter Barncord
Jacob ]3arncord.
John Black Rev.
Rich'd Brownson
John Bran
Abner Barnet
James Bigard
Richard Beard
Michael Clapsaddle
Benj. Chestnut
John Cocharon
Patrick Cavet
Gabriel Carpenter
James Carril
Hugh Cunningham
Thos. Creven
-John Cummins
Robei't Campbel
Andrew Gampble
James Chambers
Alex. Clendennin
Henry Chrisman
John Cunningham
Margret Cosner
Adam Cosner
James Campble
Wm. Campble
Thos. Campble
Patrick Campble
Patrick Campble, Jr.
Thos. Dodson
Jas. Dunwoody
Jacob Dunkle
James Dunlap
Joseph Dunlap
James Diven
Wm. Dickey
Harmon Dyerman
Peter Dider
John Dickey
James Dickey
James Dieke}, Sr.
Wm. Donaldson
John Esenter
Elias Flanagan
Dan'l Foster
Sam'l Findley
John Farron
Christian Frel y
George Flanagan
Nicholas Firestones
Wm. Forsyth
Thos. Gordon Gardner
Hugh Gibson
Jas. Guthrey
Hugh Graliam
John Glaseo
Wm. Gettis
Donald Given
Alex. Hunter
Henry Helms
John Helms
Alex. Hutchinson
Rowling Harris
John Highlands
James Handlin
Rudolph Hufford
John Hermon
Robert Hood
Adam Holaday
John Holaday
Wm. Hays
George Hunter
Jas. Hunter
Rowling Harris, Jr.
James Irvin
Joseph Irvni
Jesse James
Rebecca irvin
Arch'd Irvin
James Irvin
Benjamin James
Benjamin Killpatrick
Alex. Kilkrish
Conrad Killion
Rev. John Xing
Albert Lucas
Thos. Lucas
David Larnd
James Leaman
John Lee
Wm. Lemon
Jesse Lewis
Sam'l Lucas
Wm. Montgomery
John M'Dowel
James M'Dowel
Nathan M'Dowel
Wm. M'Dowell, Jr.
Robt. M'Farlin
Sam'l M'Guffin
Alex. M'Kilhatten
Sam'l M'Kilhatten
Jas. M'Clelland
Rob-ert M'Afee
Robt. M'Clellin
Wm. M'Nutt
Hugh M'Kee
John ^I'Calve}-
John M'Cny
William Meuani}'
Roljt. Mimms
Hance iVrCullough.
Jolin M'Cullough
Walter M'Kiiiuey
Wm. M'Clellon
John M'Kinney
Jas. M'Connel
Thos. M'Dowel
James M'Ceshin
Alex. M'Dowel
John M'Dowel, Sr.
Wm. Mener
James M'Clelland(forge,)
Wm. M'Cowen
Sam'l M'Cali
Wm. M'Gashlin
Enos M'Donnal
James Nox
Philip Nip
Yarner Nip
Robt. Newel
John Newel
Joshua Outly
Patrick O'Hanlon
John Over
Joseph Ogburn
Wm. Piper
Wm. Porter
James Parkhill
James Patton
Elizabeth Robison
Daii'l Reed
Mary Smith
Rebecca Scott
Josiah. Smith
Patrick Savage
Edward Stewart
John Smith
Andrew Spence
Abm. Tetar
Walter Thompson
John Thorn
Alex. Templeton
John Torrance
John Ury
John Waggoner
David Witherspoon
John Willson
Isaac Willson
John Watts
Thos. Wason
Jas. W^iderow
Sam'l Walker
Edward Welch
Robt. Walker
Andrew Walker
John Walker
David Williams
John Williams
Robt. Wilson.
Jas. Allison
Peter Barncord
Isaac Bard
Christley Bottleman
John Brewster
John Burgh
Patrick Carvona
Wm. Cochran
James Campble
Nath'l Cocharon
John Dunlap
Wm. Dickey
James Elgin
Peter Fegelman
Joseph Hervey
Charles Hunter
John Hart
Jacob Highdiger
Hercules Johnston
George King
Oliver Kej^s
Wm. M'Kee
Alex. M'Dowell
Jas. M'Dowell
Alex. Mehood
John Macafee
Peter M'Kinley
John M'Call
Wm. M'Nutt
Robert Newel
John Pollard
Chas. Piper
Andrew Speedy
Hugh Tussey
John Torrance
John Taylor
Robert Work


n Southampton township with its present boundaries :
Joseph Arbuckle
Samuel Blyth
John Blj^th
Lawrence Brindle
John Brackinridge
James Brackinridge
Sam'l Brackinridge
Andrew Boyd
Barnet Barklow
Leonard Bough
Sam'l Brindle
Sam'l Crawford
Conrad Coynard
Thos. Cummins
Archibald Cambridge
Samuel Culbertson
Wm. Clark
Theopilis Cessna
Samuel Cox
Andrew Craig
John Culbertson
Peter Dick
James Diver
James Dun
Alex. Donald
Peter Dick
David Earl
Wm. Erwin
Joseph Findley
George Poust
Conrad Eishburn
Isaac Grier
Thos. Grier
Isaac Grier, Sr.
Thos. Gilke^^
John Harron
Jas. Harron
Wm. Harron
Thos. Howard
Jacob Hoover
Philip Hoover
Burgit Hains
John Hains
Jacob Hammond
George Johnston
Benj. Johustoru,
Michael Kero,
Charles Kelley
Jacob Justice
Christopher Lance
John Lere
Thos. Lindsay
Caspar Lee,
John M'Combs
Anthony Mowl
John Millar
Wm. M'Cune
John Means
Sam'l M'Cune
Sam'l Montgomery
Thos. Millar
Mark M'Cord
Wm. M'Cord
David M'Cright
Arch'd Mahan
Martin Mindle
Thos. Moor
Nicholas Mink
Michael Mink
Robt. Mahan
David Nevins
Joseph Phillips
Jas. Pimhro}-
Stephen Porter
James Pail
Robert Peoples
Mary Porter(widow,)
Thos. Paxton
Thomas Paxton
Sam'l Rippe}
Wra. Rippey
John Rannelle, Esq.
Widow Ross
James Randies
Wm. Rippey
Wm Randies (heirs,)
M'Entire (heirs,)
Mary Sterret
Robt. Shannon
Peter Shoaf
James Shoaf
Peter Shoaf, Jr.
John Stoll
Jacob Sturapbaugh
Wm. Scott
Robt. Scott
James Stephens
James Smith
Peter Stumpbangh
Abm. Shaw
Lorrance Stumpaugh
Philip Stumpaiigh
Matthew Scott
Elizabeth Tate
George Unstedt
Thos. Welch
Wm. Wallace
Jeremiah Ward
James Wright
John Young
Wm. Young.
Sam'l Blyth
John Cambridge
Peter Coons
Ludwick Cook
Wm. Dougherty
Sam'l Duncan
Fred'k Fishburn
Hugh Fais
John Hoover
Wm. Harron
Sam'l Howard
Robert Justice
David Johnston
Moses Kirkpatrick
Lewis Lee
George Lee
Wm. Means
Wm. Martin
David M'Cord
Isaac Phillips
John Reynolds
Wm. Scott
Moses Scott
Sam'l Salsgaver
James Smith
Jos. Stall
John Stevens


In Washington township, which then included the present townships of Washington and Quincy :
Stophel Adams
Peter Baker
David Burkit
Dewalt Bonbreak
Wm. Blackley
David Baker
James Blackle}
Daniel Beashover
Elizabeth Bennidick (widow,)
Nicholas Beaver
Jacob Baker
John Baker
Philip Boarbaugh
Peter Baker, Sr,
Nicholas Bittinger
John Burns
Christian Breakner
Daniel Clapsaddle
John Cochran, Sr.
John Cochran, Jr.
Thomas Chambars
John Crooks
James Crooks
Michael Cook
George Cook
Christian Cofman
George Cofman
Henry Carroll
Jacob Cook
Gasper Ceese
Isaac Clark
Robt. Conningham
Casper Cline
James Downey
Peter Dull
Joseph Dull
Stophel Dull
Henry Dutch
David Dutch
Henry Dewalt
Elias Davison
Jacob Donneker
William Erwin.
John Erwin
John Emmits
Adam Flohere.
Peter Fox
Henry Fore
Fred'k Foreman, Sr.
Abm Flora
Adam Fredrick
Fred'k ForeinaTi, Jr.
Henry Flood
Jacob Fredrick
Christ. Foglar
Andw. Fridle}
Andw. Fridley, Jr.
John Fnnk,
Laurence Fotteral
John Gantz
John Gralf
Andw. Gribhard
Henry Gibharfc
Christian Grub.
Albert Heffner
Jacob Holsinger
George Holsinger
John Hambleton
John Horner, Sr.
Fred'k Howard
Elizabeth Helms
John Horner, Jr.
Fred'k Horner
Abm Hornei
Gasper Henline
Cornelius Henlin
Michael Helms
Jacob Hess
John Horn
Elias Horn
David Heffner
Daniel Helman
Sam'l Harshbarger
George Helman
Jacob Hefner
Yal. Hefner
John Haslet
Jacob HoUinger
Martin Jacob
John Johnston
John Leap
David Lady
Peter Longanacer
John Long
Barnet Lickhart
Conrad Loyd
John M'Coy
John M'CoUoch
James Moorhead
Jacob Mack
Wm. M'Crea
James M'Crea
John M'Clanahan
Daniel M'Co}
Matthew M'Farron
Henry Millar
Conrad Man, Jr.
Conrad Man, Sr.
Henry M'Farron
George Minner
Able Mensor
Joseph Mener
James Moore
John Miller
John M'Kissack
William Mack
James M'Anulty
John Murphy
George Mitsor
Patrick Money
Christian Miller
Alex. Mack
George MosAbock
David Mensor
John Miller, Sr.
John Martspock
Martin Merkle
Jacob Netor
Peter Nipper
Abm. Nipper
Elizabeth Nipper
Peter Newcomber
Joseph Nicholas
Wm. Nicholas
Jacob Naugel
John Nicholas
Fred'k Nicodemus
Conrad Nicodemus
Jacob Ortenbarger
George Okkel
Jacob Pechtal
Peter Penner
Jacob Pissaker
Abm. Pissaker
John Parks
Jas. Parks
John Price
John Potter
Simon Potter
Adam Prits
Daniel Price
Robt. Price
John Ridlesberger
George Rock
Samuel Rock
John Rock
Henry Rock
Fred'k Rock
Adam Richardson
Jacob Reed
Fred'k Sholly
Peter Stover
David Stoncr
Abraham Stoner
Jacob Shockey
Valentine Shockey
Jacob Swisher
Uly Snowbarger
Henry Shambennon
Solomon Seecrist
Andrew Snowbarger
Henry Snell
Ludwick Stull
John Scott
Herman Stultz
Mary Stoops
Simon String
Michael Stover
Samuel Sill
Matthias Summers
Peter Swope
John Still
Wm. Stitt
John Seecrist
Thos Stoops
John Smith
Adam Smith
Sam'l Stitt
John Sell
Wm. Shaver
Henry Stoner
John Taylor
Thomas Wallas
John Wallas
Jas. Wishard
John Wishard
Edward Wishard
Casper Wagoner
Jacob Winterbarger
Conrad Warts
Caspar Welch
John Wickel
Jacob Welty
James Watson
Philip Wagerman
Jacob Wagerman
Sam'l Willson
James Willson. Freemen
George Anderson
George Beaker
John Boggs
David Beasor
David Burket
Abm. Burket
Antony Beaver
William Blackley
Sam'l Burket
Wm. Crooks
Henry Coon
James Crooks
Peter Emmit
John Fridley
Daniel Heap
Jacob Helms
Daniel Horner
Dennice Joans
Philip Knop
George Ludwick
Henry Lady
John Lanchaster
James M'Co}
James M'Colloch.
John Menner
Isaac Millar
John M'Clanahan
James M'Cray
Wm M'Co}^
Peter Nipper
John Nicholson
Wm. Nicholson
David Nipper
Peter Nipper
Jacob Price
David Parks
Daniel Ko^er
Durst Snowberger
Jacob Stump
Jacob Summers
David Scott
Jas Stoops
Wm. Scott
James Stitt
Abraham Shockey
John Thomas
Sam'l Thomas
Andrew Will
John Wallace